Spring Clean Eats: Day 30, We Made It

Hooray!  We made it to the last day!  Yesterday was a pretty awesome day.  I started the morning off with a great run which always sets my day up for success.  I need to remember that more.

Paleo scone, banana, coconut cream

Breakfast was the same as yesterday, a crumbled up paleo scone with sliced banana and some coconut cream.

Mixed green salad

Lunch was a gigantic salad with:

  • Mixed greens
  • Cucumber
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Red Onion
  • Cheddar
  • Bacon

I was really craving that bacon so I made sure to sneak some on the salad.

Dinner was something that Scott and I haven’t had in a while, tacos!


And just tacos.  When we were discussing what to have as a side neither of us really wanted one.  We wanted to focus on tacos! I have no problem with this at all.  Ground pork tacos with guacamole, lettuce, and pepper jack cheese.

Scott and I also have not eliminated corn from our diet.  Both of us tolerate it just fine and both of us like it.  The corn tortillas were 365 Brand and the only ingredients are corn and oil.  Since this isn’t something we eat everyday, I’m ok with this.

We are not paleo perfectionists nor will we ever be.  We are ok with that and you should be too.

I will fully admit that I’m so glad to not have to photograph all of my eats any more!

I will be writing up a full recap post (it will be long, brace yourselves) and that will be posted on Friday morning.

Spring Clean Eats: Days 23-24, Eat Gorgeous Food

Yesterday I was out running errands most of the day and didn’t have a chance to write up a post before leaving.  I had a big shopping trip to do and I was trying to make it as quick as possible.

That naturally didn’t happen. Which always seems to be the case when grocery shopping.

But let’s get started! We’ve got two days to cover!


BBQ Pulled Pork and kaleDay 23: BBQ pulled pork with sauteed kale.  I found some leftover pulled pork in the freezer so I served that up with some sauteed kale.  It was delicious!  Some sort of pulled pork is probably my favorite protein to have at breakfast.

Grain free pancakeDay 24: Grain free pancake topped with almond butter and drizzled with maple syrup.  I used Elana’s recipe for almond meal based pancakes.  This was an interesting experience for sure!  The pancake turned out very well.  Filling but not nearly as filling/satisfying as an animal based breakfast (for me anyway).


Veggie noodles in a peanut sauce with curry shrimpDay 23: I was still craving some shrimp (sushi wasn’t enough) so I made a big lunch featuring shrimp.  Carrot, squash, and zucchini “noodles” coated in a peanut coconut sauce from this recipe.  The shrimp was dusted with curry powder and then sautéed up in some ghee.

Day 24: No real lunch.  I snacked on some leftover fries, a big apple, and some Applegate pepperoni while I was putting away all of the groceries.


Chili cheese friesDay 23: There was still a tad bit of chili leftover so I turned that into chili cheese fries.  Oven baked fries topped with chili, a little cheddar, and green onions.  I really missed having some sour cream to dip them in!

Pork chop, parsnip mash, roasted carrotsDay 24: I had a meeting before dinner so by the time I got home, I was ready to eat my arm off.  Thankfully dinner was substantial!  Bone-in pork chop (from our hog share), roasted carrots, and parsnip mash.

I am in love with parsnip mash!  I even love it more than the good old favorite paleo cauliflower mash.  Don’t worry, I’ll be talking about it more after the challenge.  I cannot get enough of it.


Both days I got a chance to run!  YES!  And I can still bust through an entire mile without stopping.  Hooray! I’m definitely on my way to being a runner again.

One take-away that I learned these past few days is that the more colors on the plate, the more I am excited to dig in and start eating.  It’s not just about, “Eat The Rainbow”.  We all know that we need variety but when you have lots of colors that pop on a plate, it makes you feel better about what you are about to eat. You know you’re getting something good.

And since we are headed into summer, I can’t wait to start exploring more colors and adding to our plates!






Spring Clean Eats: Day 16, Run Done

Grain free granola, blueberries, coconut creamYou can expect to see this breakfast coming up a lot because it’s been a hit this week.  Plus with the warmer weather slowly starting to creep in, I want something a little cooler for breakfast.

Grain-free granola with blueberries and coconut cream.


This was lovely post run fuel!  Yesterday I ran my second full mile!  Whooo!  I’m going to start slowing increasing my mileage at this point and see how it goes.   So stoked to be at a full, albeit slow as hell, mile again!

Yesterday was one of those days where the time goes by so fast and you can’t seem to catch up.  After walking the dogs, working on a big project, and going to the grocery store, we finally got a chance to sit down and eat lunch.

But at this point it become dinner.


Big salad with purple carrot, cucumber, asparagus, and sliced almonds.  Unpictured on the side I had some Canadian bacon and mandarin oranges.

Not the most exciting day of meals but all of it was filling and tasty!

Spring Clean Eats, Day 9: On The Run

Fried eggs, avocado, mandarin orangeOne of the struggles with this challenge so far has been breakfast.  I’m trying to keep it different because I do get tired of the same thing all the time. But with semi-sorta-kinda-Paleo that has been the biggest hurdle for me.

If you have any fun breakfasts that are protein or veggie based, please share!

Yesterday’s breakfast was two eggs fried in ghee, topped with half a sliced avocado and hot sauce (Choloula, no sugar).  Also with a side of mandarin oranges.

We are still having milk with our coffee in the mornings.  I forgot to decrease the amount for this week’s delivery so we are trying to get through it.

I’m in the process of deciding to give it up or stick with it.  Still not sure!  The biggest draw is that we get it delivered fresh from a local dairy which is very convenient.


Running!  Ahhhh and it was glorious!  I probably could have pushed through the whole run but my legs started getting tired.  Mostly my quads so I had one walk break.  I wasn’t too surprised, they have been getting fatigued during kickboxing as well.

Lunch meetings and afternoon dog walks meant it was another Linner day.  This one was fantastic and totally hit the spot!

Taco salad

Taco salad!

Baby greens and chopped romaine topped with ground beef, shredded carrots, and a little cheddar.  I also made pico de gallo (tomatoes, jalapeno, onion, cilantro and lime juice) and some guacamole on the side.  I topped my salad with the pico for “dressing”.

The couch and I had a date yesterday which is why this post is late.  I really needed a couch and Law and Order moment to zen out.  I have a feeling that I’m going to need more today.  That definitely wasn’t enough of a recharge!

Spring Clean Eats: Day 3, Rinse, Repeat

Coffee, mandarin oranges, chickenToday’s eats were pretty much the same as yesterday.  Wednesday mornings are when I head over to a local dog shelter to do volunteer work.  I was very tried from a crap night of sleep so I reached for the chicken.

Chicken and broth are two very comforting and restoring foods for me, especially in the mornings.  Since I loved the chicken and sauteed spinach that I had yesterday, I went with that again.

I was low on spinach and out of frozen chopped greens!  Ack!  Breakfast was mostly chicken with a side of two mandarin oranges.


Once back home from the shelter I was able to sneak out for a quick run.  Considering I haven’t run in weeks this run went amazingly well.  I noticed a huge change today during my run.  While I did have to take one walk break, the run was very smooth.  I had energy which I almost never do during noon runs.  My best runs always happen in the mornings because I have the most energy then.

I didn’t feel over tired or even struggling for energy.  I fully believe this has to do with my eats over the past couple of days, providing me with more sustained energy.  I am curious to see how this will transition over the next 30 days.  Will I notice myself getting stronger?  Having more endurance? Will I finally be able run a full mile with no breaks?

After a much needed shower I made us some lunch.


Salad, the same as yesterday minus the chicken.  I had 1.5 hard boiled eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper along with a small slice of cheese.  I really wanted a bite of good cheese today so I went for it.  Tillamook Extra Sharp Cheddar is what we usually have on hand and it’s fantastic tasting if you dig sharp cheddar.

Along with a Kombucha on the side.

Lunch was alright but I noticed that it didn’t quite fill me up and leave me satisfied.  I kept thinking about dinner and when I could eat it!

Thankfully we had leftovers from last night so I was able to heat that up quickly and chow down.

Curry Pork Bowl

Curry Pork bowls full of veggies!

I also got a chance to make stock today so hopefully I’ll be able to make some breakfast soup soon!  Breakfast soup and sauteed chicken for breakfast are tied as my second favorite thing to have.

My very favorite thing to eat for breakfast is pork tamales!  No judging now!

Sadly dinner didn’t seem to fill me up either so I’ll probably end up having some sort of snack tonight.  Tune in tomorrow to see what it was!

Spring Clean Eats

Us at the 2012 Balloon Fiesta It’s time for a change up in here.  Ever since our big move across country our eating has gone down the tubes.  We’ve been eating out more since we have all these new places to explore.  We have much easier access to restaurants and pubs than we did before.  It’s awesome! But it also means we eat out way more than we should.  Additionally we’ve been eating more processed foods.

I just ate some Pringles the other day.  Ew. Why did I do that?  Pringles are a horrible processed food!

Since our eating has tanked, I have noticed big changes. And not positive ones.

  • Weight gain. (DUH, eat like crap and you retain it)
  • Having trouble staying asleep and restless sleep.
  • Acne.
  • Moodiness and increased PMS symptoms.
  • Over all feeling like a big pile of shit.

At this point I’m definitely not the same woman that I was in 2011 or even 2012.  And damn it I want her back.  I worked hard to get where I was and am pissed that I let that go.

I also know that I will eat junk when I feel there is a gap in my life or I’m not happy with some aspect of my life.  Right now that gap is running or my lack of it.  I’m working on that though.

So it’s time for a change.  Not a cleanse, not a diet (because diet is a four letter word), just a little experiment to see what happens.

I’m making some big changes and sticking with it.  Nothing majorly drastic, just setting up some guidelines that Scott and I will be following for 30 days.

I took a little bit from  The Whole 30 and a little from  Unprocessed Month and made up my own version.

roasted asparagusHERE’S WHAT WE WILL BE DOING:

Cutting down on grains. 

No breads and no pasta.  Not even sprouted bread and not even whole grain pastas.  No oatmeal or granola.  Rice is allowed but only small portions.  The occasional pancake on Sundays is also allowed. Because a Sunday with no pancakes or waffles kind of makes me sad.  That said, pizza is right out. No pizza for 30 days.

Increase quality protein consumption.

Some form of protein at every meal.  This can include beans.  We don’t have trouble digesting beans so they can stay in.  The eggs and meats that we will consume will be quality sourced meats and local as much as possible.  Also increase our seafood and fatty fish consumption.

Keep eating out to a minimum.

Meals need to be made at home as much as possible.  I’m realistic enough to know that something might pop up and I need to meet someone for a lunch meeting or Scott and I head out of the house while we work on Avery’s separation anxiety.  Shit happens.  In that case, we’ll make the best choice we can sticking to our current guidelines.

Reduce sugar intake.

We don’t eat a lot of sweets or candy as it is so this shouldn’t be too challenging.  I still wanted to make it a guideline that we would only be consuming natural sugars.  Honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar are all acceptable.  But no cookies, quick breads, or anything like that.

Reduce dairy intake.

Right now we consume whole milk, yogurt, and cheese.  Both of us are okay with this because it isn’t large quantities of dairy but I’m still making some changes.  No yogurt for 30 days.  If we want probiotics we can eat sauerkraut and drink kombucha.

Keep cheese to a small amount and make sure it’s high quality cheese.

Reduce the amount of milk we use in our coffee.  We don’t drink milk but we do use it in coffee and for things like mashed potatoes and soups.  When used in cooking it’s a very small amount and not very often so I feel this is acceptable.  We do use a hefty amount as creamer in morning coffee so we’ll be working towards reducing the amount we use.

Increase fruit and veggie intake.

Just like everyone else, we could stand to add in more fruits and veggies to our diet.  I’m not getting rid of fruit or limiting the amount because it’s a natural source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  I don’t care that fruit has naturally occurring sugar, I’m not worried about counting calories or spiking my blood sugar because I ate some grapes. Fruit is healthier than processed food.  Period.

Corn and white potatoes are totally allowed.  They are veggies which is acceptable.  Polenta/grits is also acceptable.

Reduce alcohol consumption.

This should be a no brainer really but I feel like it should be officially stated.  Eliminating it for 30 days is just out of the question. Sorry I’m not sorry. Instead we’re  limiting the intake to a few days a week.  Most likely sticking to the weekends.

Increase water consumption.

I talked briefly how I started measuring my water intake with my Fitbit.  I’m sticking with that and aiming to get even more water.

Use healthy fats.

This means butter from pastured cows, coconut oil, and olive oil.


I can’t speak  for Scott but I will be trying my hardest to exercise everyday.  For me, that means running and kickboxing.  Unless the weather is majorly crappy outside preventing me from running or getting to class.  I’ll try to find something else to do though.

That’s it!  Those are the guidelines that we will be sticking to.  It all sounds pretty simple in writing but I hope this provides a healthy little jump start.

In order to also hold myself accountable I will be blogging about the journey and documenting each day.  Each post will go up in the evenings (mountain time) and I will be discussing our eats along with any thoughts or feelings we are having while doing this.

Scott and I will also take measurements and weight ourselves to see if there are any physical changes.  Sorry but I’m not sharing our stats because the measurements are purely personal curiosity.  I’m not going in to this to lose weight or inches, I feel that will come eventually.  I’m doing this to take back control of my health and my body.  If anything does change, I will share that because that would be a lovely unexpected outcome!

Spring Clean Eats starts on March 17th and will run for 30 days.  That means it ends on Tuesday, April 15th.  That’s the last day of the Spring Clean Eats challenge.  I’ll be doing a follow-up post and recap once the challenge is over.

Sure waiting until April 1st would have been easier but I don’t want to wait even longer.  It’s time to jump in and do this NOW.

I would love it if you joined in!  Either follow along or join us in the challenge!  I’ll be Instagramming some of the meals and using the hashtag #SpringCleanEats

It’s time to stop talking and start doing!  Let’s clean up our eats and get back to being healthy again!


Running Buddy

Penny and I running Miss Penny is unlike any other dog I’ve had when it comes to exercise and mental stimulation.  She requires both and she needs it on a daily basis.  Our previous dog and even Avery were both content with some outside time and a little walk. Then they would happily snooze the day away.

Not my Hennepin.  She needs to have things a bit more involved, thank you very much.

She loves to run around but she also needs to be challenged so that she has to use her thinker.  If she doesn’t get both of those things, I can clearly see that she gets bored.  She doesn’t get destructive or act out at all but I know that in order for her to be truly happy and content she needs mental and physical stimulation.

Earlier this week in an attempt to wear Penny out I decided to take her on a run.  I never thought that I would ever take a dog on a run let alone a pit bull.  Most bullies aren’t built for running with their stocky bodies and sometimes shorter snouts.

Penny is very athletic with a longer body and shorter legs.  She also has a longer muzzle so she doesn’t quite have the same challenges with breathing.

She did amazing on her first run.  She stayed right by my side without pulling.  She only took off once after a squirrel and I was able to get her refocused and back on track easily.

When we got home she was pooped.  Success!

Hennepin the pit bullWe’ve gone out again and she is doing so well.  It’s definitely a learning process for us both.  I’m learning how to run with a dog (and carry treats and a poop bag!) and she’s learning not to cross in front and to stay focused.

It challenges her physically and mentally.  She’s much calmer and centered after her runs.  Since I’m still only at a mile with walk breaks, we can build up our distance and endurance together.  She’ll never be a distance runner but I bet she could at least do 4-5 eventually with no problem.

Have you ever run with a dog? If so, do you have any tips or tricks to share?

Review: New Balance Fresh Foam 980s

New Balance Fresh Foam 980Just when I thought that I would be searching for new running shoes for ages, I was contacted by New Balance asking if I would review their latest shoe design.

I couldn’t say yes fast enough and get back to running in some new kicks!

The Fresh Foam 980s are New Balance’s latest neutral running shoe.  Direct from New Balance they describe the shoe as:

Combines ultra-plush cushioning with reduced drop from heel to forefoot and offering a super bouncy ride.

Because the soles seem rather large and thick, you would think that this would make the shoe heavy.  However the shoes are very light, weighting less than 10 oz, and are soft like a slipper.

We’ve been having some really icky weather lately and I didn’t want to have to break the shoes in with snow and ice.  Everyone always wants perfect running weather to break in new shoes!   I didn’t have much choice though and got to running as soon as I got these babies in the mail.

They are heaven on my feet.  I’m ridiculously picky about running shoes, sometimes spending up to an hour or more in a store trying on shoes.  They must fit my feet perfectly and sometimes the arch in shoes doesn’t match up with the arch in my foot.  Or the stitching is weird or something hits my toe funny and so on and so on.  You get the point.

These shoes fit like a glove.  They are tight enough that my narrow feet don’t slip as I run but roomy enough that my feet have space to breathe and move around.  There’s no overlay stitching so you don’t have to worry about a seam rubbing against your foot causing blisters.  I’ve worn these shoes with socks and without.  The Fresh Foams provide a smooth fit with no irritating stitching.

The Fresh Foams are so light and cushiony!  They are made to support running from heel to toe.  Even walking in them, they push you forward and support a forward motion.  I am a heel striker when I run so I was very curious how these would feel once I hit the road.

Because they are made with heel-to-toe motion in mind, the heel is soft and bouncy.  It completely supports a heel strike stride giving the runner the cushion they need where they need it.  With the heel-to-toe motion already engineered in the shoe, running becomes very fluid and almost effortless.

New Balance Fresh Foam 980 SoleOne of the things I loved the most about the Fresh Foam 980s, is the sole.  It’s a complete sole with no gaps or air pockets.  Previous shoes that I’ve worn had gaps in the soles. I was constantly getting rocks stuck in my shoes.  And when it snows, snow can build up in the bottom of the shoes and form ice balls making running uncomfortable.  One of the most annoying things is getting something stuck in your shoe while running and you have to stop to deal with it.

With the full sole of the Fresh Foams, you don’t have to worry about any of that!  Once less thing you have to think about while out running.  From my experience running in these shoes, the full sole provides more traction and stability as I run.

New Balance Fresh Foam 980

For those that love flashy shoes, the Fresh Foams do not disappoint! They come in many vibrant color combs with a spray paint finish on the soles. Three color combos to pick from for the women’s fit and three colors for the men’s fit.

Missing my beloved Pearl Izumi shoes, these New Balance Fresh Foam 980s are my new go-to for neutral running shoes!  I will be sticking with these for a while!

Thanks to New Balance for letting me try out their new shoes!


Disclaimer: New Balance contacted me and offered me a pair of shoes for review. All opinions are my own.


Snow Globe

Snowy Back YardI haven’t run in over a week.  I’m disappointed about that but accepting it.  I was planning to run on Sunday morning but really needed a few hours to myself.

No puppies, no husband, just me and my book.  The pups were downstairs sleeping with Scott and I snuggled on the couch and decided I really hated the current book I was reading.  I gave up and moved on to something else.

But those couple hours on the couch were bliss.  I don’t regret that decision at all.

Monday morning came and we were in the midst of a hefty snow storm that left us with about 8 inches of snow that day.  Again, no run.

No run on Tuesday because it was below 0 outside with a hefty breeze.  I did go to boxing class though.

No run Wednesday morning because I went to kickboxing class.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling like I got run over.

Today, Friday morning, another snow storm that left us with about 10 inches of snow.

So here I am a week later and no runs.  I have been going to boxing and kickboxing classes though so it’s not like I’m completely sitting on the couch all day long.

The goal for this week is to get back out there, unplowed streets and all, and start running again.  Good thing I’ve got some Yak Trax!  I’m trying to figure out my workout schedule at the boxing gym.  There are some instructors who’s classes I really enjoy and I’m trying to figure out how to attend those classes and still fit in running.

So how has your training been going?

Running Check-In Week Three

Hand wrapsA day late but it’s time to catch up on how the running is going!

Still slowly making progress but it’s getting there.  This week I started taking kickboxing and boxing classes at a local gym.  It’s more of a conditioning class where for an hour the focus is bag work and core strengthening moves.  There’s no punching or sparring with other people.

I like it because it’s a high intensity workout yet you can go at your own pace.  The second class kicked my butt and I totally had the workout high going on.  I felt amazing!

And it’s nice to be able to punch and kick stuff again.  This is my kind of workout.  Not tossing around weights, climbing ropes, or down dog.  An hour with a heavy bag is much more enjoyable to me.

Running has slowed down a bit since I’m introducing a new workout to my routine.  I don’t want to tax myself too much and risk injury.  However my running is staying consistent, I haven’t lost anything by taking a few days off.

Today I ran and I bet I could have run the full mile but my left hip was holding me back.  It’s a little sore and stiff from kickboxing and it actually hurt as I ran.  So much that it started affecting my running gait and that’s when I knew I needed to stop.

I’ve got enough running experience to know that if something hurts as you run or if you have to start adjusting your gait because of it, it’s time to stop.  I ran a little over half way and then walked the rest of the mile back home.

I didn’t mind.  Yes it sucked I couldn’t run the whole thing but I still got outside this morning, moved my body, and enjoyed the cool snowy morning.  More kickboxing later today and then I’ll be set to get snug on the couch and watch some hockey.

Don’t forget that I’m Instagramming my whole running and workout journey this year.  Follow me and keep a look out for the hashtags #Run2014 and #GetFit.  If you’re working out and working towards getting fit this year, use those hashtags and share your journey too!

How’s your training going?