
Thoughts On fitbit Blaze

For those that may remember, I got a fitbit Flex a few years ago and at first I loved it.  Then I hated it so very much. For starters, it would go to sleep way too easily without my knowing.  I could be driving down a particularly bumpy road and it would go to sleep.  Making a smoothie? Yup, it would go to sleep.  You get the idea.

Plugging in exercises on the app was a pain in the ass.  You would have to create exercises if you did anything other than run or walk.  Then you had to guesstimate how many calories you burned because the app required that you put in some number.  Instead of being easy it became cumbersome and I hated it.  I tossed it back in it’s box as I cursed it and moved on.

Fast forward a few years, once I was doing CrossFit consistently, I wanted to be able to track my workouts, calories burned, and so on.  Wearing a traditional heart rate monitor during the workout was uncomfortable. I also started running again so wearing a GPS plus wearing a HRM was annoying.  Isn’t there something that does all these things? In frustration, I started looking for other options.

I went back to fitbit site and saw that they know have a whole line of devices.  The Blaze is what caught my attention because the features seemed to be exactly what I was looking for.  Plus it connects to your phone (iPhone AND Android) alerting you to text messages and phone calls.

fitbit Blaze

It took me a long time to decide to make the purchase because I was afraid of spending the money then hating the device.  Scott finally convinced me to take the plunge so I purchased the Blaze with a purple band.

Hands down, I am in total love with this fitness tracker.  It has everything I was looking for and fits my needs perfectly.

It has a HRM and while I’m sure it might not be as accurate as the old school ones, I don’t mind. I can go to the “Today” tab and see all my stats which is so handy and much preferred over having to open the app each time.

It does track sleep and it goes to sleep on it’s own.  I assume it detects sleep by lack of movement and slower heart rate.

It has multiple workout modes to choose from:

  • Run
  • Bike
  • Weights
  • Treadmill
  • Elliptical
  • Workout

YEEESSSSSS! Weights is what I use if I’m doing an hour weight session and workout is what I pick for CrossFit workouts.  Run for running, clearly.

The run option does have connected GPS, meaning it uses your phone for that.  I went in with some apprehension on this because I thought that I would have to have my phone out and have to read that for distance.  Nope, the watch just connects to your phone via bluetooth and then mileage is displayed on the watch screen. The watch will buzz when you hit a mile.  Once you’re done, you can check your stats and see pace, distance, splits, and even elevation.  It’s awesome!

And because you are logging the workouts right on your phone, you don’t have to worry about logging them in the app saving lots of time and frustration.

There is a timer on the watch as well if you want to time yourself doing whatever.

There is also an alarm feature so that you can set alarm reminders or sleep alarms.

Plus it connects to your phone so you’ll get buzzes to let you know if you have a text or phone call.  I believe that if you use the calendar and mail program native to your phone, you’ll also get buzz alerts to let you know about mail and events.  I use Gmail and Gcal so I don’t get those.

I was afraid that it was going to be bulky and while it is a bit large, it is not a problem at all.  Sometimes while getting dressed or putting on a jacket, I have to be sure it doesn’t catch on a sleeve but otherwise it is just like wearing a watch.

Seriously, I cannot say enough good things about the Blaze!  If you’re looking for a fitness tracker or perhaps considering gifting a tracker to someone, definitely consider the Blaze.  And if you have any questions about it, give me a shout and I’ll answer them as best I can.

Disclaimer: This post is not associated with fitbit, they don’t even know I exist. I purchased this product myself.


Past The Funk

Hi, gang!  How was everyone’s night? I had a splash of bourbon last night and two peppermint chocolate squares while I watched more Criminal Minds.  I ran the pups out for a last potty run and then we headed to bed. I read a bit, I’m currently rereading The Whole 30 because I’m going to be doing that challenge again in January.

I did finish Food Freedom Forever a little while back, and the book was alright. It wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be. I thought that it was going to be more about Melissa’s story, background, her journey, and how she found food freedom.  Instead it’s a guide so that you can find food freedom.  It is basically doing a Whole 30 (without saying do a Whole 30) and then following reintroduction steps.

I feel like this book is maybe geared more towards people who haven’t done a Whole 30 and who need help getting started with incorporating whole foods into their diet.  It’s a nice ease into eating real food without the pressure of a challenge or a complete diet change.  But for those of us that are mostly there, I don’t really think this book is for us.

If you read the book I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Ok, earlier this week I have been in a funk.  It happens. I deal with anxiety and sometimes also get the blahs.  Truth time.  Exercising and eating well helps to keep those things in check but sometimes I just need to be quiet and alone for a bit.

That happened for a few days this week but thankfully I’m coming out of that and am feeling much more like myself.  Whew!  Being outside also helps and this morning it was sunny and the air was so crisp and refreshing. I needed that!

Yogurt bowl and coffee

Breakfast was another yogurt bowl and some collagen coffee.

  • 2% Fage
  • Homemade Granola
  • Crushed Pecans
  • Coconut Flakes
  • 60% Dark Chocolate Chips

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and amazing blue skies.  The pups and I went shopping and then I did some chores around the house.  Lunch was sushi from Whole Foods and topped with sriracha mayo.


It’s shrimp with avocado and cucumber.  And yes topped with mayo which is my new favorite way to eat these rolls.  I ate lunch in the kitchen while I prepped stuff for dinner and washed dishes.

Grain free pizza

Dinner was pizza!  The last time I made a crust I forgot to write down the measurements for the ingredients.  Rookie mistake! The crust I tried to make this evening wasn’t as good but it did the job. It is a grain free curst using almond flour, coconut flour, rice flour, and tapioca.

The toppings were:

  • Spinach and sundried tomato pesto
  • Moz
  • Italian sausage
  • Red onion
  • Pepperoncinis

Now I’m going to have a splash of red and keep watching Criminal Minds.  Yes I’m on vacation so that means relaxing and indulging.  Sorry not sorry!



Netflix and Chill

After dinner last night I made a small bowl of popcorn and had a splash of white as I watched Criminal Minds. Then I hit the hay because I was passing out on the couch with the dogs.  I took them out for their last potty run of the night and we all went to sleep.

Fort Collins finally decided that it’s winter so the days and nights have be extra chilly which means I needed to bust out the flannel sheets.  Mmmm I love flannel sheets!

Up early this morning as I’m waiting on a package to get delivered that needs a signature.  It also means I can’t go anywhere so that I don’t miss the delivery.  Which is OK because it’s cold and crazy windy out so staying snug in my little house is perfectly fine with me.

Yogurt Bowl and coffee

Breakfast was a yogurt bowl with:

  • 2% Fage
  • Homemade granola
  • Homemade cranberry sauce
  • Chocolate chips

Chocolate + cranberry is one of my favorite combos!

Tuna Salad and Snacks

Lunch was super simple but delicious, tuna salad with veggies and plantain chips.  The tuna salad had:

  • Mayo
  • Green Onion
  • Sriracha
  • Diced Dill Pickle
  • Diced Pepperoncinis

And seasoned with Flavor God Garlic Lovers.  I munched on lunch while watching more Criminal Minds and that’s basically the theme of my day.

Taco Bowl

Dinner was a taco bowl with:

  • Ground bison seasoned with Flavor God Spicy Everything and with some salsa added
  • Rice
  • Roasted yellow squash
  • Cheddar
  • Green Onion

Mmmmm filling and perfect for Taco Tuesday!

I have not watched Martha and Snoop yet because I’m waiting for Scott to be able to watch it with me.  He’s got stuff going on in the evenings this week and I know he is going to want to see it.  That’s OK, I’ll be able to double up on episodes next week and two shows back to back will make for an awesome night!

I know I’m not super chatty this week but since it’s my “vacation”, I’m trying to be on my computer as little as possible, hence the shorty posts.  I know you understand! Till tomorrow!


All The Leftovers

I was up bright and early this morning at 5am to see Scott off to his appointment.  Then I laid back down but couldn’t really sleep.  It was more of that twilight sleep where you’re sort of conscious but also dreaming.  When I got back up I was so terribly groggy.

My coffee may be decaf (I can’t have caffeine) but I was still singing its name.  Then I made myself a big breakfast bowl.

Sausage, egg, potato breakfast bowl

Sausage, egg, and leftover roasted potatoes all topped with some Cholula.

Lunch was super easy, I heated up some leftover green beans along with a chicken and basil sausage.

Chicken basil sausage and green beans

Dinner was also leftovers, cue the obligatory post Thanksgiving turkey soup with carrots and potatoes.

Turkey veggie soup

My goal for today was to claim a couch cushion and stay put and I completely achieved that goal.  Post Thanksgiving, I take the following week off and use it as a time to relax, get centered, and grounded. I decorate the house for the holidays, binge on Netflix (Criminal Minds right now!), and hang.  So there’s going to be a whole lot of nothing going on this week and it’s glorious!


2016 Black Friday Weekend Holiday Sales

Holiday 2012

Hey gang! A bunch of my favorite places are having huge sales this weekend and I didn’t want you to miss out on scoring some mega deals!


50% Off the entire store at Flavor God. I love these seasonings and use them daily!

Vital Proteins Collagen Trio includes, 20 oz. Collagen Peptides container, a box of Collagen Peptide Stick Packs for on the go, and a #stayvital 24oz Shaker Bottle.  If you’ve been curious about trying out the peptides that I keep talking about then this deal is for you!


15% off your oder for Small Business Saturday at Fatco. I use the body butter, face cream, and oil cleanser.

25% Off sellers at Primal Life Organics, use code Holiday16. I’m thinking of finally trying out some of the Vitamin C Serum!

Free Lip Sheer ($30 value) with $125 purchase at Beauty Counter.  I love their daily shampoo (it smells like lemons!), the charcoal bar face cleanser, and their mascara.


25%  Extra off clearance and sale items at Nike with code Extra25 (I scored some Metcon 2 for $73!)

40% off items at Title 9.

20% off everything at Belle and Bell.

15% off your order at JerkFit with code cyberwod15 (Starts on Sunday through Monday) I love my nubs!

BOGO at 50% off at Qualo Rings, no code required. (If you need a ring size guide, here’s a printable PDF. Qualo says their rings fit snug so be sure to check out their sizing guide to convert.)

Unbroken Designs, use code SCHOOLOFWOD for 20% off your order. I have a headband and lifting belt from them!


Fitness Friday: Turkey Time

Knee sleeves and pineapple socis


Rest day. I woke up not feeling 100% in the morning.  I was debating about going to the gym the entire time I was taking care of the dogs because I hate missing workouts but my stomach also felt like junk.  I was putting on my gym clothes and I felt like, yeah this probably isn’t going to be a good idea.  I wouldn’t be able to have full energy and give it my all today so instead I stayed home. Meh.


Feeling so much better. I know what my issue was yesterday and now I’m wrestling with sharing that or not.  It could be seen as TMI.  Hrm.

Anyway I was able to workout.  I ran a mile before going to class.  I did a walk run combo to see if that helped my shins at all.  It did, they only got slightly sore during the run and didn’t fully cramp up.  My friend, Lori, suggested that I might have tight calves so I’ve been working on stretching and rolling them with a foam roller.

Workout today was AMRAP for 20:

  • 5 Clean and Jerks
  • 10 Toes to Bar
  • 1min Rest

We were supposed to go heavy-ish on the clean and jerks but I’m still battling shoulder issues and unfortunately can’t go very heavy.  I did mine at 50lbs today and even by the end my shoulder was getting very sore and tired.

I’m thinking about purchasing a pull-up bar so I can work on pull-ups and toes to bar at home.


Started off with a mile run/walk with Kira.  My shins did not bother me at all today! Perhaps it’s because I’ve been rolling them out? I’m going to stick with that and see if it continues to help.

The workout today was rough and thanks to holiday indulging, my energy has been so low.

It was a 25 min AMRAP

  • 25 Empty Bar Thrusters
  • 25 Burpees
  • 25 EB Sumo Deadlift Highpulls

Ughhhhhh I got in 3 rounds + 10 but it was slow going.  Well my burpees are super slow and thrusters, even with an empty bar just kill me.  My legs and arms were shaking at the end.

I’m trying to not let this frustrate me because I did it to myself.  That’s what happens when I indulge and don’t get enough sleep.  With running, I was able to get away with it a little more but with weights? Nope. You have to eat well or you’ll do poorly in the gym.


It was so chilly and breezy but I still did a 1mile run with my running buddy.  Rolling out my calves has helped so much! I ran three days in a row this week without any shin issues.  Hooray! I’m going to continue to focus on stretching and rolling out those calves so that I can get back to running.

On Wednesday our coach said that we’ll be doing a fun holiday workout on Thanksgiving morning.  Yeah, I think that’s code for challenging and long because this workout was not fun.

Hero workout Vito: 33 each of:

  • Chest to bar pull-ups
  • Hand release push-ups
  • Jumping lunges
  • Toes to bar
  • Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
  • Wall balls
  • Lateral burpees (over a plate)
  • Abmat sit-ups
  • Plyo push-ups
  • Box jumps

We were able to do this workout in any order we wanted, we just had to do a full 33 reps of the move before moving on to the next move.  I got all the stuff I hate out of the way first like burpees.  They take me forever to do and I hate them.

I was the first in class to finish which never happens and I had a brief panic attack thinking that I didn’t complete the whole thing.  I did because I went back over my list and made sure, but WHEW for a second there I thought I did something wrong. Some stuff was modified, like I can’t do chest to bar so I did banded pullups.  I also can’t do toes-to-bar yet so I raised my knees as high as I could.

It was nice to get in exercise before getting ready for the big day!


Rest day.  That’s two this week which is not what I’m shooting for but life happens.  I went in thinking that I was going to take Friday off because I knew I’d be tired and I also wanted a quiet morning to myself.  Maybe that sounds silly but sometimes I need to have a morning alone to regroup and get centered.


Lots of grandma moments but also progress with running and I’m choosing to focus on that more.  Yeah, I would like to get past feeling tired and sore all the time but I’ll get there.  Right now, I’m going to be happy with the fact that I can run multiple days in a row without shin issues! Also, if you have any recs for a pullup bar at home please let me know!


So Very Tired

Last night I had a splash of red wine along with a cheesecake slice that I picked up at Whole Foods.  I thought that it had a chocolate cheesecake layer and chocolate ganache layer but I was totally wrong.  It had a chocolate cake layer and a chocolate pudding layer.


Chocolate Cheesecake

I scraped off the cake layer (sorry, I hate cake) and tasted the pudding layer which I ended up not liking.  I had the regular cheesecake layer and that was only alright.  It was a total sugar rush and left me feeling icky afterwards.

I should just stick to making my own treats but I always harbor hope that I’ll find something tasty from someplace else.

We did get to watch Martha and Snoop last night and oh my goodness it was awesome.  Martha and Snoop in turkey hats!


This morning I got up and went for a run with my friend before hitting the gym.  I was starving when I came home and could not get food in my belly fast enough.

Yogurt Bowl and Coffee

Yogurt bowl with some frothy coffee.  The coffee was made with SO Delicious Mint Chocolate (more about this stuff on Saturday).  Standard yogurt bowl:

  • 2% Fage
  • Granola
  • Chocolate Chips

After breakfast it was time to get started on some Thanksgiving day prep. I got the turkey in a white wine brine, cubed the potatoes and got those soaking, and made cranberry sauce.  Then it was time for lunch and I kept things simple and easy.

Ham wrap and carrots

Ham, lettuce, and mayo on a grain-free wrap, and carrots. Unpictured but I also had some chips and jalapeno artichoke dip (both from TJ’s).

I made the pumpkin pie and got the creamy cauliflower casserole started, then I did dishes and that wrapped up all my Thanksgiving prep for the day.  I am freaking beat!

Brat, baked sweet potato, and sugar peas

Still keeping things simple and easy for dinner, jalapeno cheddar brats, baked sweet potato with butter, and some blanched sugar snap peas in a little butter and Flavor God Garlic Lovers.

Now it’s time to chat with Scott for a bit before heading to bed. I might not even make it to 9pm tonight!


Breezy and Chilly

I did not get to watch Martha and Snoop last night because I ended up needing to record the later showing because two other things were recording. Instead I watched part of the Pens game and part of Dancing with the Stars (guilty pleasure and I adore it.) I’ll be honest, I feel a little empty missing Martha and Snoop and I’m not sure when I’ll get to watch the episode (sob). Brace yourselves because it’s holiday time and while I still plan on eating well and working out, I will be indulging in some fun food items.  Oh, I will fully share that with you but buckle up because I love the holidays and all the food that goes with it. Snacks were consumed last night, I had a small plate of ham, some Spanish cheeses from a TJ’s little variety pack, and some carrots with jalapeno and artichoke dip.  I also had some bourbon because Thanksgiving week.  That will be a theme so just roll with it. Ham, Cheese, Carrots, Dip Dessert was three mini dark chocolate peanut butter cups from TJ’s. Up this morning to an overcast, chilly, and windy day.  I went for a run before hitting the gym. Yogurt Bowl, Coffee Breakfast was a small yogurt bowl with:

  • 2% Fage
  • Homemade Granola
  • Chocolate Chips

Frothy coffee with a splash of So Delicious Nog (I’ll be talking more about this on Saturday). I did some chores around the house and worked on some Thanksgiving prep.  After the house was clean, it was time for lunch and I kept things easy. Brat, Green beans Green beans and a jalapeno cheddar brat by Continental Sausage (I love this sausage so much!).  I also made a smoothie but forgot to grab a pic because I was chatting with my mom. It had:

  • Water
  • Collagen Peptides
  • Spinach
  • Frozen Bananas
  • Frozen Blueberries

Once lunch was over and I was done chatting with my mom, and finished up the laundry, it was time to hit the couch with Scott to play the latest Gears of War game.  I was reading some previous Daily Eats posts of mine from 2009 and we were playing Gears of War 2 around this time!  Weird. I guess we like to play Gears during Thanksgiving week. We played for a bit and then it was time for dinner.  I heated up some leftover beef and veggie soup that I made on Sunday in the slow cooker. Beef veggie soup I used leftover beef roast, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and diced tomatoes with a beef stock base.  It made for the perfect dinner on this chilly and windy day! Now it’s time to finish up Dancing with the Stars and kick back with a splash of red wine.  Hooray Holidays!


Thanksgiving Errands

Happy Monday, gang! I hope you had a fabulous weekend! I worked most of the weekend but I still had some nice downtime with Scott which was lovely and got to have some fabulous treats.  We got some takeout on Saturday from a local BBQ place which included fried chicken, ribs, and pulled pork.  It was alright (I’m so picky about dining out), would we get it again? Maybe.

This morning I had a Kind bar as I was getting ready for the gym. I was hungry and the bananas that we have are super ripe and now have a texture I don’t dig.  I wasn’t feeling 100% and ended up not going to the gym.  Boo. I hate missing the gym and I also don’t like feeling off balance.

I had some frothy coffee early this morning and forgot to snap some pics but you guys know what that looks like.

Late breakfast sort of lunch but not really, that’s what I’m calling this meal.

Spinach Feta Chicken Sausage and Sweet Potato

Half a baked sweet potato with Kerrygold butter and some Applegate Spinach and Feta chicken sausage.  The sausage was alright.  I feel like Applegate’s sausages are a little too processed.  All of their sausages, texture is almost like a cheap hotdog and there’s a cheap hotdog kind of flavor going on in the background.  It’s not horrible but I’ve definitely had better sausages.  Not sure I’d purchase those again.

Scott has the entire week off, (HOORAY!) and that means I get more time to hang with him this week. However we needed to get some stuff done for Thanksgiving and headed out this afternoon to finish up holiday errands. The stores were packed!

I picked up some more turkey bone broth from TJ’s and then we hit Whole Foods where I got our turkey and the final ingredients for the big dinner on Thursday.

Since I was still feeling a little off and errands took longer than expected, I picked up dinner from Whole Foods.  Our local store started doing ramen a few months back and that’s what I got today.  It’s a little on the pricey side but it is enough for two meals.

Whole Foods Chicken Ramen

Chicken ramen that comes with seaweed, bok choy, and a soft boiled egg.  The egg grosses me out so I give that to Scott.

This hit the spot!  I will be having a snack tonight because I do need a little bit more food in my system.  I know this was a quick post but it’s getting late and I’m ready to hit the couch and catch this week’s episode of Martha and Snoop!


Fitness Friday: Old Lady Feels

Workout Station


I went for a 1 mile run with my friend Kira before our workout. Right now we’re doing a run/walk for the mile and are considering doing the Couch To 5K program starting in December.  Both of us want to start running (for me, to get back into running. You know, trying this for the 5 millionth time. Gah.) and feel like starting off with the C25K program might be beneficial.

I’ve been having some issues with shins while running. They’ve been cramping up during the run. It’s not shin splints, my shins don’t hurt after my run only during.  They cramp up pretty badly too and it becomes hard to walk. My left shin is the worst but my right shin does it as well.  Not sure if I need new shoes or if I just need to get used to running again.

If you remember, I had some trouble with my hip. Well my hip is fine and now it’s my shins. I swear it is always something that is keeping me from running. Meanwhile, Scott started running and is now up to 3 miles no problem. Jerk.

Anyway, the workout was:

  • 10 Box Dips
  • 10 Deficit Pushups
  • 10 Burpees to Plates

This workout was hard on my shoulder.  I strained my right shoulder back in September from doing too much aggressive triceps dips and it’s still bothering me.  I’ve been taking things slowly and lightly with it but it’s frustrating nonetheless. So this workout really challenged my shoulder and I felt it at the end.

PS: There’s always a warmup for the workouts I just don’t post those because it’s a warmup and not terribly exciting. But if you’re really interested in what those look like, just give me a shout and I’ll start adding them.


I did a strength session before the workout. Super easy and light session to get back into the swing of things. I did squats which felt OK but my shoulders were really sore and tight from Monday’s workout which made the bar uncomfortable.

I also did a few presses which made my shoulder feel a little tight and I could tell they were tired from the previous workout.

This workout was rough and left me feeling defeated and frustrated. I had really low energy even though I just had a banana before starting and I had trouble getting through it.  I did it but did not get as many rounds as I would have liked.


  • 25 Plate Overhead Stepping Lunges – 15lb Plate
  • 45 Sumo HighPulls with 35lb KB
  • 25 Situps with 25lb Plate

UGH. My arms were shaky during the lunges. Recommended weight was 25lb plate but I couldn’t do that and dropped to 15lb.  My legs started shaking during the sumo highpulls and just MEH. This workout sucked and left me drained.


Rest day. I was dragging hardcore getting out of bed and I was so freaking sore from the previous two workouts. I originally thought that I would make a later class at the gym but instead I took an epsom salt bath with some arnica and eucalyptus.  That made me feel so much better!  I felt guilty all day for missing class.  I hate missing a workout just because I feel like an old lady. Grrrr!


I was still sore and really tired but I made it to the gym. We did snatches and jump rope. Snatches are hard on my shoulder and I had to drop weight to get through this workout.  Cue more frustration and angst.

I also did a mile run before class and my shin cramped up on me forcing me to walk most of the way back.  Grumble grumble.


We had 5 stations, spend a minute at each station with 30 second transition between stations. 3 total rounds.

  • 35lb Kettlebell broad jumps.
  • Bear crawls with 25lb dumbbells.
  • Box jump overs
  • Twisting med ball lunges
  • Reverse lunges

I thought the bear crawls were going to be awkward AF but they actually weren’t too bad. The move that got me was the kettlebell broad jump! That had my legs shaking and really wore them out. I was ready to be done by round 3.


I got frustrated a lot this week because I was feeling old and rickety. My joints are hurting more, there’s more muscle soreness, and I’m getting tired a lot easier.  It used to just be around my cycle that I would notice the symptoms increase but now it’s happening more often which is leaving me frustrated.  Time to start fiddling with my diet and sleep to see if that helps.  If not then I may have to suck it up and talk to someone about it.