March 6th, 2009: Breakfast and Lunch

One week and counting till b-day!  :woohoo:

Apparently last night was carbalicious.  First we had risotto and then we had:

glass 2

glass 2



Wine and popcorn?!  The wine was planned, the popcorn was not.  I was a little munchie but didn’t want anything too heavy so I opted for some popcorn which we ate while watching House Hunters.  I was in bed last night by 10:30pm and I was out.  I should have gone to bed sooner, now that I’m reflecting on it.

My morning started off so out of sorts!  First I tried sleeping in but got up at 7am.  I guess that’s an extra hour so that counts.  I took care of Rocky and while it was warmer outside the wind was a little chilly.  I started trying to figure out what to wear on my run.  It felt like it was a little too cool for capris yet it was surely too hot for my pants.  My only other option was the tights I wear under my cold weather pants.

Oh my.

I was totally having a self-conscious freakout in my head because tights?  I couldn’t wear tights to run.  No way could I pull that off.  Finally I made myself realize that my capris are basically the same thing as tights, just capris and not full length.  I went out in my tights, long sleeved tee and my hoodie.  I got a little ways down the block before I realized my pants were falling down.

Like, my butt was hanging out, falling down.  Definitely not the look I was shooting for this morning.  It didn’t occur to me they would do that, I guess because I always wear them under another pair of pants so they stay put.  I decided that I was just going to do 2.5 miles as quickly as I could and bust it back home.

When I hit the 7th time of hiking my pants back up, I realized that this was not working.  I could not run like this.  I had to turn and head towards home so I could change.  I let my pants go because I wanted to see how far down they were when I got home.

Let’s say it’s a good thing I had on a longer shirt and hoodie!  These spandex pants were not spandexing enough to keep themselves up.



It worked out that I had to go home because I was actually too hot.  I tossed on my capris and ditched the hoodie, and was back out the door for a 3.5er.  The new pants stayed put!

When I got back home, I grabbed Rocky and we were back out the door.  I was playing it safe since it’s supposed to rain today and the wind and clouds were already increasing.  After that I did some yoga stretches and woke Scott up for the day.

I ate breakfast which was the best I could do this morning.

small yogurt

small yogurt

I wanted a big bowl of yogurt mess but since we’re out, I settled for a peach fage with a sprinkle of bear naked fruit and nut granola.  And some coffee.  I did all the normal morning routine stuff and then I started to get a headache.  Booo  I took some ibuprofen and hoped it would go away.  I finally dragged my butt up to get the house clean.  Once that was done, my headache was gone!  Then it was time for some lunch.



I wanted to make soup but was too hungry to wait around on that so I opted for an Amy’s meal instead.  It was late and I wanted something quick so I could get in the shower and head out to run some errands.  I had the Asian stir-fry noodle bowl and was surprised how good it was!  A little on the sweet side so I couldn’t eat it all, but very yummy for a frozen meal.


In the middle was some flax chips and hummus.  And a green monster today!

  • 2C orange juice
  • 2 kale leaves, stemmed
  • 1 banana
  • 1 medium carrot
  • Frozen Pineapple
  • Frozen mango

Yummy!  Time to get cleaned up so I can finally get some yogurt in this house!

a moment

a moment

3 thoughts on “March 6th, 2009: Breakfast and Lunch

  1. LOL – “caught with your pants down” :) You know, that happens to me a lot with jeans. I don’t know if it’s dirty of me to admit this, but I usually wear them more than once before I wash them, and by the second time they are always falling down! There’s a little Friday story for you!

    Love the noodle bowl and green monster! TGIF!!!!

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