Somehow we missed an episode of Lost. Either it taped and we deleted it for some reason, or it never taped. We had to turn to the Internets and ABC to watch the show. ABC doesn’t have their shows on Hulu which means while watching it via the ABC channel you have to watch commercials. And if you are watching full screen, the commercials shrink down to small screen. And then once the commercial is over, instead of just going back to the episode, you have to click play again. And the show was jumpy due to our laptop. But we did it and now only have to get through the 2 hour finale. umph. We’re trying to clean our our DVR now that we have more time for TV because there aren’t as many hockey games on. While watching Lost there was this:

And it’s from the same bottle as Saturday evening! :p We let it “breathe” and poured it through a little air thingy and the wine was fine. Not great but fine. Then I wanted food because I was hungry!
Me: I want junk food so I’m making a snacky plate!
Scott: Which won’t be junky at all.
Me: Yes it will! Because that’s what I want, junky stuff to pick at.
Scott: And what will be on this so-called junk plate?
Me: Um, cheese.
Scott: Umhm.
Me: Hummus.
Scott: Oh my.
Me: Dried fruit.
Scott: Horrible.
Me: And vegan nuggets!
Scott: Well goodness that’s just over the top right there!

Snack time
And there you have it, junk plate. Which I shared with my huns and also had another glass of wine. On the junk plate there is:
- Two kinds of sheep’s milk cheese
- Jarlsberg cheese just for Scott
- Hummus
- Kashi crackers
- 9 grain bread bites
- Dried apricots
- Smoked almonds
- Peanuts
- Vegan nuggets
- BBQ sauce and buffalo sauce for dipping
YUM! I had a small amount of everything and was totally happy. Then I headed up to bed to read for a bit and was asleep by 11pm. We had the bestest day yesterday and I hope that continues on!
how long is wine good for?
Bobbi, that depends on the wine. Do you mean once it’s uncorked? I’ve had both reds and whites do okay open for three days. Reds usually last longer than whites.