April 29th, 2009: Breakfast and lunch

Hi guys!  We watched one show on TV and while doing that I sipped on a POM fizzie.  This was POM w/ blueberry which smelled fantastic.  I just mixed it with a bit of seltzer and ta-da, fizzie.  I forgot to take a picture of it though!  I’m blaming my sleepy state.  I was in bed asleep by 10pm last night.  Fantastic!  I decided that since I needed the sleep, I wasn’t going to set my alarm but instead just get up whenever.

So yummy this morning

So yummy this morning

Whenever turned out to be 7:30 this morning but that’s 9.5 hours of sleep so I’m not complaining. :D  I got Rocks taken care of and goodness it was a chilly morning outside.  I will tell you right now that I did not go for a run.  I thought about it but I was not feeling it this morning and thus opted to stay home in my robe this morning.  There is a small part of me that feels guilty but it’s a teeny part that is easy to ignore so I’m over it.  I poured some coffee and headed into the office.

I did some stuffs and then I did my physical therapy exercises.  Then I woke up Scott and made some breakfast.

dessert quality

dessert quality

A yogurt mess with a bit more coffee.  My mess was:

  • 2% fage
  • Chocolate granola
  • Cranberries
  • Ground flax
  • Frozen raspberries

Very yummy!  I normally don’t like fruit+chocolate but since the cranberries work really well I thought the raspberries might be good.  And they were!  It was sort of like a yummy dessert with coffee. :D

After breakfast I got dressed and headed out with Rocky for a quick walk.  It’s very cloudy and overcast today and I didn’t want to take the chance that it was going to rain canceling any chance for a later walk.  It was awesome outside!  Yeah it was cloudy but it was so cool with a slight breeze.  My favorite kind of weather!  This is why I love spring and fall.  It’s cool enough that you need a sweatshirt but not freezing cold and not crazy hot.  Just pefect.

Once back from our walk, I did some work things and then it was time for lunch.  Naturally today had to be a soup day!



Amy’s tomato soup that I bumped up with the leftover roasted chickpeas, some black beans, leftover brown rice and some chicken sausage for Scott.  Fabbo!  There was also an orange and a sandwich thin with my new favorite cheese melted on top.

Just a hint of onion

Just a hint of onion

Spring Onion Jack.  A Jack cheese with what seems to be chives and/or green onion mixed in.  It is so good!  Well if you like onion (which I love) then it’s amazing.  Just enough onion flavor to give it some depth and make it interesting but not overpowering.  Sometimes cheeses with onion and garlic in them can be a little too potent.  This has the perfect balance.  And when melted it takes on almost like a buttery taste as well, making it lucious.  Awesome!!

More work to get done and planning and all kinds of stuff.

Please check out these fabbo ladies and their giveaways!

Bobbi’s b-day giveaway is still kicking.

Heather is giving away a cookbook.

And so is Gina! Hers comes with her famous coconut macaroons as well!

Tina has this really cool planner/food log thingie she’s giving away.

Robo Rocks

Robo Rocks

Apparently Rocky transforms back to his original machine state after I go to bed in the evenings….

3 thoughts on “April 29th, 2009: Breakfast and lunch

  1. Heather says:

    LOL – that’s a hilarious picture.

    Is your half this weekend? Don’t feel guilty about not running! You need the taper. ;)

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