Week 1 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme is in the books and we are kicking off Week 2! The first week was a little rough as I got used to the containers and meal planned our week. The containers and the amounts we can have a day are so specific that making things like soups and chili is challenging because those meals are hard to measure. So I’ve put them aside for now. We did have Pho last week but that was simple since it had one protein and one veggie.
These last two weeks I’m going to focus more on protein, veggies, and fruit.
The biggest challenge with doing the Extreme version is limiting some items. For example I am only allowed 1 healthy fat a day and the container for that is tiny. It equals 1/4 of an avocado, chopped.
No one eats only a 1/4 of an avocado at a time!
That has been my biggest gripe and poor Scott has heard me bitching about it the entire time. Since healthy fats are so limiting, most times I don’t even bother because it’s just not worth it. I only have 2 more weeks of the program left, not a big deal.
I’ve seen some a few others on Instagram who are also doing this program (not with my group, on their own) and they are sneaking in little cheats here and there. Of course there are ways to get around things and naturally people are going to find the loopholes. But I’m sticking with the program! No treats and no alcohol for three weeks. I might be a little crabby about it but I’m doing it! It’s just not worth it to me to create cheats because I don’t want to sacrifice, say a protein, just to have some fake chocolate.
I enjoy the exercises a great deal. They are not super intense and there isn’t too much jumping around but they are challenging. Using light weights and resistance bands are what I like the most. It’s challenging and you have to push yourself but it’s not so hard that it makes you want to give up or leaves you feeling frustrated.
Now it’s time to kick off Week 2 and dominate it!