And now a few words from our sponsor…

Hey guys! So we just got power back (which had kicked off Sunday at 3pm thanks to Ike) and have been running around like crazy getting everything back to normal over here at OHC HQ. It’s going to take me some time to get things updated and to catch up. I should have everything updated by tomorrow afternoonish. I hope! Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Welcome to Off Her Cork!

In a previous life I had a blog where I talked about this, that, and that other thing. A good bit of that blog talked about cooking. What I had made, what I was going to make, how I was going to make it, you get the picture. Sometimes I even posted my grocery list. I’m that kind of crazy about cooking. “What if you did a cooking blog?”, Scott said to me a couple months ago. “Do you think I could?”

“Why not?”

And here I am, trying my hand at the concept of being a food blogger. I’m a bit nervous putting my recipes and ideas out there for the world to see, but I decided to grow a pair and just do it. I love cooking. It’s a part of who I am. It’s my very essence. If I’m unable to cook for a while, I start to get really cranky and a bit unpleasant to be around. Because I cook so much and talk about it to Scott constantly, I’m sure this is what prompted his suggestion.

With this blog, I want to share recipes and ideas with others. It’s also a tool for me to gather information and learn from other’s experiences. I am always learning and researching about food. I’m always cooking. Growing up in a really small farming town didn’t allow for much exposure to things (you mean tuna doesn’t always come in a can?!). It wasn’t until I moved out and away that I really began to experience cooking and had the ability to explore different ideas, ingredients, and techniques. Some things that I have now grown to love and consider staples, are things I have only recently been able to get.

I never write anything down, I just cook. I don’t even measure stuff unless I’m baking. Toss this in there and add some of that and do this, presto, food! And I realized that I really should start keeping track of what I do and how I did it so that I can do it again. Having a cooking blog is a way for me to archive my ideas and the things that I make while at the same time sharing them.

Consider it my own little online recipe box and archive of things that I discover along the way.