Training definitely has its ebbs and flows. Sometimes you feel like you’re making progress and riding the gainz train like a pro.
Then sometimes things feel off and you feel like a slug in gym clothes.
This week I’m the slug.
I’m doing OK and I’m still seeing progress with my training. But I’m also having A WEEK where my energy is low, sleep is being a bitch, everything hurts, and I’m riding the struggle bus.
Maybe it’s PMS related. Maybe my body is just asking for me to take a break and slow things down.
Maybe it’s all in my head and I’m just being a wuss. And there it is, THE DOUBT.
Because an off week can just throw you for a loop and doubt starts to creep in. I start questioning all my movements, life, and wondering if I’m on the right track.
Doubt has no place under the bar. Confidence is what gets that bar to move.
But this week I’m second guessing everything and asking all the questions that doubt makes us ask.
Why can’t I lift XX amount yet?
Why hasn’t the scaled moved at all?
Will I ever be able to run 6 miles again?
Will I reach my goals or are they all just pointless?
And on and on and on.
I’m trying not to let it eat me up too much but you know how that goes. My gym had a great article up today and it has helped so much. It talks about this very thing and also talks about making sacrifices to achieve those goals. You can read it here.
This paragraph in particular is everything right now:
Just because you can’t do something today, does not mean that you won’t be able to do it one day. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
So I’m going to keep working and keep plugging away because I have goals and I want to reach them.
Hang in there, friend. You are rocking it! Those goals are well within your reach.
Thanks, Lori! Sometimes I need that kind of encouragement!