Last week was a rough one. I went to a new chiropractor who was a little too aggressive in his adjustments and it took me out of working out for the week. That’s all I’m saying because I’m still so annoyed about it. Plus I’m back to looking for a new chiro. Meh.
This week though I’m back on track!
The main workout was AMRAP for 15 of 7 power cleans, 7 burpees, and 200m run. I’m off running right now because of my right hip flexor so instead I rowed 200m.
I got in 4 rounds plus 7. I felt pretty good about that!
150 wall balls. UGH We do break it up, so it’s 25 wall balls then 6 jumping lunges (or regular if you can’t jump) for 6 rounds. Still getting in that 150 marker but breaking it up like that makes it a lot easier to get through mentally. It doesn’t seem so daunting and overwhelming. Instead you’re focusing on just getting through each round.
- 400M Run (Row)
- 20 Hang Squat Cleans
- 30 Double Unders or 60 Singles
I was able to get in two rounds + 400m + 20. So close to getting three rounds in! I don’t have solid double unders just yet so I did singles. I can do double unders but not steady enough to add them to the workout.
Strength training after class, since it had been over a week since doing strength, I took it easy with weights. I did squat, over head press, and deadlifts.
For squats, I went to 85 pounds and it was tough. I did not make it through 3×5 but completed 2×5 and that last rep I almost didn’t make it up. My legs were so tired from the squats we had done this week.
Press is my weakest move (bench being my second) and I did 2×5 at 47 pounds. Right now 46 pounds is my cleanest rep.
Deadlift, I did my working set at 125 which felt lovely. I love deadlifts so much! It’s my strongest move and always puts me in a much better mood.
This workout was a tough one and I’m so glad we only had to go through it for 1 round!
- Handstand Pushups (mine are modified)
- Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- Overhead Squat
- Pushups
- Snatch High Pulls
- Pistols
2 minutes on with a 1 min rest between moves.
I did the high pulls at 55lbs but did the overhead squats at 15lb with the baby bar. Overhead squats are so freaking hard for me and my shoulders and wrists are not very strong. Someday I’ll at least make it up to 35lbs!
30 min workout today, ugh. Or I should say that it was supposed to be done in 30 minutes but I finished at just over in 30:23.
- 30 Squat Cleans
- 30 Pull Ups
- 800m Run
For three rounds. I rowed which proved to be challenging because my grip didn’t get a break so going back to squat cleans and pull ups was challenging.
I’m still working on my squat clean and getting that move down. Part of it is that it’s awkward, the other part is a confidence issue. Falling under the bar and catching it is a little intimidating to me. Will I fall? What if I can’t get back up? Those are the thoughts that run through my head.
I’ll get there, it’s just going to take me some time.
I’m feeling pretty good about this week. I do think that I could have pushed myself a little bit more and next week that’s going to be my goal along with more weight sessions. Overall I’m happy with training this week!