
October Update

Morning Light

Welcome to October! The months are flying by but I can’t say that I’m upset about this.  Fall is my favorite time of year and I’m completely in my element right now.

The blog has been silent for about a month at this point and that was half unintentional and half intentional. I needed a break from blogging to get grounded and gain some stability.

I started a new job in August. A job that I have been working towards and trying to get ever since we moved to Fort Collins over 3 years ago.  While I have a passion for healthy living, I also have a huge passion for craft beer and everything involved with it.  Once I realized that I could actually work at a brewery (this was a new concept to me 3 years ago), I have been doing everything I can in order to help build my resume and my craft beer knowledge.

In August I got a job at a brewery.  Whoo hoo!  Hard work does pay off! I work in the taproom and it’s been a huge adjustment.  Not just learning the work but also getting used to a new schedule.  The change in schedule was the biggest challenge to get used to.

I love my job (seriously cannot stress this enough) and the people I work for, they have been amazingly awesome to me right from the start.  Plus they encourage my desire to learn more and patiently put up with my never ending questions.

After two months I feel a lot more grounded and solid.

Which means that I hopefully can get back to blogging regularly.  Don’t worry, the blog is going to still be about healthy living but with a slight twist.  It’s going to be about how I still maintain a healthy lifestyle while working at a brewery and working nontraditional hours and days.

My goal is to blend these two passions and showcase them a little more.


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