
May Goals

Fort Collins TrailNew month means it’s time to set up some new goals!  Let’s check back with April’s goals and go over those.

Getting up at 6am during the week

I have successfully established an early morning routine.  I’m in bed early and because of that I have no issues with getting up early in the mornings.  I have two days during the week where I can sleep in but otherwise I’m up and getting my day started.

I feel so much better when I follow this routine.  I am much happier and get so much more accomplished!

Running several times a week

I didn’t get to run as much as I would have liked thanks to weather and muddy trails but I did run a good bit. I only focused on running as my main exercise last month because I was working towards establishing a good foundation. I feel like I have that now and am looking forward to increasing distance.

Going full on Primal with eats

Done!  I’ve been mostly Primal since February but last month I decided that this lifestyle was fully working for me and it was time to embrace it.  I posted all my eats on Instagram and aside from some tots on occasion, my eats were entirely Primal.  It’s amazing how much better you feel when you eat well!

Overall I feel that last month was a success and that I met all of my goals.  Now it’s time to improve on them!

May Goals

A lot of goals I have for this month are more professional focused but I do have a few personal goals as well.

Keep Running, Run Farther

I am still focused on running and now want to work towards increasing my mileage.  My big goal is to work up to a six mile run.  I’m not sure if that’s something I can achieve in one month as it takes me a long time to be able to add on mileage.  However I am going to work towards increasing my mileage and break past the two mile run zone.

Add In Strength Exercises

Since I was so focused on running, I stopped doing other exercises and I definitely notice a difference!  I’ve lost some of the strength I built up when I did Max 30.  My endurance and cardio are still good, thankfully!  Along with running, I’ll be doing the Max 30 routine again.  This will help me gain some strength back and also should help my running as well.

What goals or items are you looking to accomplish for the month of May?


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