Training Tuesday: Class Bunny

Scott and I spent last week getting to know our new gym.  I took the week off of running to attend some group classes.

The reason I took time off was because I wasn’t sure how the classes would leave me feeling and I didn’t want to risk burning out my legs.

I took Body Pump and Spinning both of which I love. I have taken Body Pump classes before and they are right up my alley.

Strength training that you can do at your own pace and increase weight when you’re ready.  Plus it’s a full body workout as opposed to just focusing on one muscle group per session.  Since I’m not looking to gain huge muscle mass or have any desire to lift large amounts, right now this class is perfect for me and my goals.

I tried spinning for the first time and fell in love with it hard.  Scott joined me for the next class and he also loved it.  Further proof that we need to get bikes of our own and start biking around town.

We’re looking to do spinning twice a week and Body Pump twice a week.  I’ll also be running on those days as well and this week I’ve started adding the running back in.

My mileage isn’t high (2 miles to 3 max) right now and I feel great after classes so I think that running and class combined shouldn’t be an issue.

Saturdays we are dedicating to getting exercise outside.  One of the main reasons for moving here is that we wanted a more outdoor lifestyle.  So Saturdays are for hiking, walking around town and doing something outside.

I’m happy to be back into a workout routine!  A dedicated routine makes me a much nicer and content person to be around!

How was your training this week?

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