When last we left off, it was the before my PT appointment. I had a lot going on last week and so when I got to my appointment I was very much ready to get it started and get treatment started.
Except I didn’t have an appointment at all.
While the desk told me that I had an appointment on Monday they actually put it into the computer for Tuesday. No way could they squeeze me in and there wasn’t another appointment open till the following week.
I did a faceplant right on the receptionist’s desk. In my mind.
If you’ve ever dealt with a sports related injury, then you know that all of your focus is on when you’re going to be able to do your chosen activity again.
The last time that I ran anything longer than 3/4 of a mile was May.
Currently it is Mid-July.
For a distance runner, that kind of time off running might as well be six months or a year.
But I refuse to let this make me cranky.
Because I believe in the highly cliche phrase of, Everything Happens For A Reason, I know that there’s a reason why I’m sidelined right now.
It’s time to learn from it and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
And hopefully next time we chat, I’ll actually have seen the therapist and there’ll be a game plan in place.
Good Luck, and keep up the good spirits, it helps with recovery.
Thanks Diana, I’m trying!
OH, Andrea! I am sorry! I hope that you get this taken care of soon!!
Thanks Kim!
I so feel your pain Andrea!
After the whole stress fracture debacle I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I’ve been trying to do P90X, Zumba, and eat like a Saint. Thankfully, I’ve been making loads of progress too!!!
But this week I noticed that my feet were really hurting in Zumba. I thought it was due to too much hiking (I did a hard core hike last weekend) and maybe some ill advised plyo. Anywho, yesterday I had to call it quits on Zumba 3/4 of the way through. The pain was just too much! Every time I tried to put pressure on that particular foot it was nearly unbearable.
I’ll admit it. I broke down and had a good sob fest in my garage…….the frustration finally got to me.
And yet, like you, I know that things will turn around! I’ll keep you and your hip in my prayers!
Andrea, I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to start PT yet! I hope you get in quickly so the healing can get moving! Feel better soon!
Thanks Heidi! Finally made it to PT and got some exercises to do.