I was contacted by Rachael on behalf of Febreeze to inquire if I would be interested in testing out their new Laundry Odor Eliminator. I debated about this for a while before replying to her. Part of my apprehension is due to the fact that when it comes to laundry, I try and keep things really simple. I used a dye and fragrance free detergent along with vinegar to help eliminate odors. I try and keep away from chemicals and perfumes as much as possible.
However I do use Febreeze spray a great deal in the house. I spray curtains to keep them fresh, sometimes I spray the furniture, and I spray down my workout gear. Scott and I train in Muay Thai and let me tell you that wraps, gloves, and shin guards can get sweaty and stanky. Spraying them helps keep them from being too offensive and grossing out our sparring partners (and each other!). Because I use the spray, I decided that yes I would try out this product on some of my laundry and see if it helps.
The product is fairly new to the shelves and it took me a while to find some but eventually I found a bottle at my local Meijer.
I tested this product out on a wide range of odors and in all honesty, it passed every test.
We recently traveled to visit some friends and family. During this trip we were exposed to a lot of cigarette smoke, leaving all of our clothes smelling like a week old ashtray. Not pleasant. I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to bust out the Odor Eliminator and give it a try.
It took care of the smoke smell and I couldn’t detect even the faintest hint of smoke. I also used it to wash our pillows, Rocky’s pillow, and his blankets that were also exposed. Smoke smell gone.
The couches I bought for my main living room have removable covers that I can throw in the wash. I did this on purpose because I have a dog who loves to lay on the couch and snuggle. Since these couches would be used the most, I wanted to be able to clean them easily. I used this product on the couch covers, the couch pillows, and the blankets that Rocky sleeps on. Again, smell was totally gone and only a fresh scent was left behind.
I used it on all of Rocky’s bed covers and blankets. Odor gone.
I used this product on my workout gear. I reuse workout gear, especially pants and bras. I don’t have enough to use once and toss in the laundry. I also don’t want to create that much more laundry for myself! Again the Frebreeze totally removed all workout stink leaving me with fresh gear.
The final test, I busted out the big guns. Workout clothes that we stopped wearing because no matter how many times they got washed, they smelled and not in a good way. To my great surprise the odor was gone.
I really am shocked about that one because I thought for sure that the odor was there to stay, but nope, it got kicked to the curb.
I’m impressed with this product. It’s not cheap, a bottle of it costs close to $10. However you don’t need to use a lot, just a touch goes a long way. I have an HE front loading washer, I added the Febreeze right in with the laundry detergent. When I used the Febreeze, I didn’t use anything else other than the laundry detergent.
One of my concerns was that it would leave my clothes and other items smelling really perfumey with a fake fresh scent to it. This isn’t the case at all. In fact it doesn’t smell perfumey in anyway, the clothes just smell fresh and clean.
Would I purchase this product again? Yes. Since a little goes a long way and I only use it on items that need an extra attention (pet items, workout clothes, for example), I think it’s worth the few extra bucks.
You don’t have to take my word for it though, Rachael was kind enough to offer two readers a chance to test out the product as well! Just leave a comment telling me what you would like to use this product on first! Contest open to US Residents only. You have until Friday, Dec 3rd, 12pm EST to comment. I’ll use random number generator to pick two winners. Please be ready to send me your address so I can pass that along to Rachael!
Disclaimer: I was given a coupon to test this product out for free. I was not asked to write this review, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.
living room couch slipcover
Thanks for your review! I try to use fragrance/dye free soaps, too, but I have to say – anything our dog uses can get pretty smelly. I’d love to try it on her beds and the blankets she uses.
I would use this on my volleyball kneepads and my removable, washable insoles! Kneepads never lose their “scent” no matter what I use to wash them in!
My son’s hockey gear. I don’t know how a 5 year old can get his gear so funky, but he finds a way. It’s so bad I have to store his bag in the garage!
Can I spray it directly on both my cats and my husband? LOL. He smokes and I don’t, but I think I’ve gotten used to the smell (most of the time). I don’t even notice it when I’m out and about unless a friend tells me. Embarrassing!
Anna has a frito stank on all her bedding. I would love to try this out!!
Love the name of your site! Also wanted to tell you that in your “about me” pic you look a great deal like Jennifer Beals (flashdance, the L word). Lucky lady!
ooh this is awesome! I use frebreze products a lot. I spray our trash cans with the spray and it really helps. I’d love to try this for some gross workout gear.
I would use it on my son’s socks, and workout gear.
Everything my dog has laid on in the past week.. I love him, but does he have to smell so dog-like?