What a week in terms of temperature! WHEW! It’s been a hot and humid one for sure and we’ve also been having our fair share of thunderstorms as well. So much so that Scott hasn’t had a chance to mow in a very long time. With all the rain, our grass has now reached outback mode. Our neighbors love us I’m sure.
When it’s not raining, it’s hot. Really hot! This is one of the bunnies who frequents our backyard and nibbles on the fallen birdseed that I put out. He was stretched out as far as he could go and was panting away like crazy yesterday. It might have been cooler underground for him!
In the morning and early afternoon yesterday, I was having a bit of an off day with my belly. I did my long run yesterday and went out without taking any water with me. Dumb! I do not recommend doing this. It didn’t even occur to me to take water along. I had to make a pit stop back home so I grabbed some water then but it wasn’t nearly enough.
I realize now that I became dehydrated. Not to the point where I was light headed or anything drastic, but my stomach really didn’t want anything to eat. Naturally I didn’t realize this until after I ate some yogurt and granola which my stomach immediately let me know it was not happy. When it was time to make Sunday Breakfast, I had no idea what to make. I wasn’t hungry but knew that I had to eat. I also needed to make breakfast for Scott, therefore I had to come up with something. I decided on omelettes.
I made huge omelettes for each of us and mine was loaded down with veggies. It was a combo of eggs and egg whites along with:
- Red onion
- Green pepper
- Carrot and Parsnip
- Spinach
- Swiss cheese
I only put a quarter of it on my plate because I really didn’t want much to eat at all.
Along with some OJ, Ezek English Muffins with a smidge of butter, and in the middle was a pear and cherries. I barely touched the omelette as it was not going down well. I focused on the juice, fruit, and muffin. I was able to get those things down easily and it didn’t feel heavy on my stomach.
After breakfast, I laid down for a short bit as my bod was totally exhausted. I read and am almost done with my book. Finally! I feel like I’ve been reading it forever. :p Scott and I spent the rest of the day playing some Lego Star Wars. So far it’s just alright. I played Lego Batman first and that game is awesome! Lego Stars Wars seems lacking and there’s also a time delay making light saber fighting not so fun.
Eventually it was time for supper and my appetite returned! I made sure to drink as much water as I could throughout the day to get myself rehydrated again. It was late so I made one of my favorite go-to meals that is easy and only dirties one pot!
- Onions
- Green Peppers
- Carrot
- Banana Peppers (fresh, not jarred)
- Spinach
- Fresh chopped tomatoes
- Shrimp
Dusted with a bit of parm and asiago on top. Very yummy! Totally comforting as well. I love risotto! I didn’t have a ton of it as I was still taking it easy on the belly but it had all the great components of a nice recovery meal:
- Carbs
- Fat
- Protein
- Veggies
I forgot to take a picture of the dessert I munched on later which was a slice of blueberry bread I made a while back. This is why I freeze stuff, because I have access to it when I need it. Pull out and reheat, dessert done! Scott and I settled in for our now Sunday ritual of Holmes on Homes only to find out that the 10pm show isn’t on at the moment! Instead it’s Design Star which let’s be honest, is not as good as Holmes. I was really put off! We watched Lewis Black’s latest special instead and well, it wasn’t funny. Then we tried watching a new cartoon on Cartoon Network called The Neighbors from Hell. It wasn’t so great either. After striking out so many times, I called it a night and went to bed!
This post is part of Homespun Sundays. Want to join? Let me know!
I hope you are feeling better! Dehydration is the worst! I will spare you my details! You are too cute with the video games. I have played Lego Star Wars, but not Lego Batman. I will talk with my boys and see what they think about it. It drives me crazy when the game won’t move when you want it to!
We are having yard issues too. Our tractor broke down, and is in the shop. My daughter is mowing a good bit, but it’s getting so high in some of the areas we’re afraid the tractor won’t even do it, when we get it back. The poison ivy is starting to take over too.
On the other hand the mulberry trees are over loaded.