Monday, April 12th:
Still trying to get back on track from the stick fighting seminar the weekend before, I didn’t run but stuck to my strength routine. I did two levels of shred (2 and 3) and was totally satisfied with that. I used 10lb weights on a few of the moves.
My legs are a little bit more toned but my stomach and my arms look like rockstars! So much so that my biceps show themselves all the time! Scott even said to me that he’s been noticing them lately. Wooo! I love having muscles! Rawr!
Tuesday, April 13th:
I did a nice easy 6 miles today. I kept my pace up and was able to bust that out in an even 10 min/mile pace. Sweet! It felt so good to run since my last run had been the previous Friday. My legs were itching to get out there!
Wednesday, April 14th:
This was a huge day for me! I ran 4 miles and decided to just run it as fast as I could go without dieing or passing out. I ran it in just over a 9min/mile pace and was able to get it done in under 40 minutes. That was my first under 40 min 4 miler! I was so excited!
I have to tell you though that it was hard. Damn. When I run that fast, that’s all I can think about and focus on. There’s no savoring the sunrise and checking out my surroundings or thinking about my day. The entire time I was focusing on my breathing so that I didn’t cramp up. And I was dang worn out when I was done!
But I still had enough energy for some strength work. I did a few upper body moves with free weights, some things for the legs and booty, and ab work.
Thursday, April 15th:
Usually a semi-long run day for me but my legs and bod could only manage 6 miles. They were tired! I was still able to crank out the six miles at a good 10:15 min/mile pace. I felt like a slug though so I was pleased that my pace was still awesome and consistent with Tuesday’s run.
Friday, April 16th:
Rest day!
Saturday, April 17th:
Muay Thai! Man we haven’t been to MT in a very long time and it was nice to get in and be able to hit things. I’m telling you, punching a heavy bag and doing partner drills is way better than therapy. And also cheaper!
Sunday, April 18th:
Long run! Oh long run I’ve missed you much and yet today we had so much drama. Thankfully it ended well and we are both happy.
I don’t normally talk about my bathroom habits on here but well, today it’s a revelant topic so you’ll either have to deal or skip ahead.
I typically allow myself enough time in the mornings to take care of bidness and go to the bathroom. By “go to the bathroom” I am not referring to peeing. This morning things were a little rushed and a bathroom moment did not happen. I was itching to get running but hoped my decsion wouldn’t come back to haunt me.
You know it totally did.
About .5 miles into a 4.5 mile loop the sensation hit me. YIKES! I was too far from home and there was no way I was turning around. The end of this loop would put me back at my house so I decided to power through it.
Oh what a very challenging time! I had to run slow and keep my stride in check. You can’t run fast because that makes your stride longer and with a longer stride you are dancing with disaster. Short strides and lamaze breathing helped me make it through the 4.5 miles. If you have ever wondered why I run close to home, that’s the reason. I have no desire to carry TP and dig a hole on a long run, ya dig?
After a short break I finished the rest of the run. It went alright. When I stop like that it’s hard for me to find my groove again. I had a cramp for the majority of the remaining run and I just took my time really.
The positive is that it was a totally gorgeous day outside albeit a bit chilly. My run pace was steady at 11 min/mile which I’ll take!
We made stick fighting class on Monday night and that was it until Saturday’s MT class. I was wiped out this week. Totally dragging and so sleepy. All I wanted to do was rest! I couldn’t figure out if it was period related or what was going on.
When I thought back to the previous week I realized that I didn’t get enough protein in. Whoops! Well that would explain my super tiredness and lack of UMPH. While I don’t eat a ton of meat, I do require the small amount that I take in. When I don’t get it, I get blah. I remedied that quickly and took in some extra protein.
Scott was working on taxes all week anyway so it worked out. He did taxes and I went to bed. Ha! Are we not the most exciting couple ever?
*Nerd Alert* I’m reading the second Gears of War novel right now (Jacinto’s Remnant) and I’m jumping on any chance I can get to read more. I’m almost done and the next book doesn’t come out till August. Eeep!
You’re definitely getting fast!!! Go you!!!
When I run all out like that too (the 9-min mile 4-miler WOO HOO by the way!) I just focus on running and breathing. It’s fun to run like that every once in awhile, but I think I prefer enjoying running more, you know what I mean?
Oh gosh. I know exactly what you are talking about with the poo situation. Isn’t that the worst feeling in the WORLD? I try to plan all of my runs around places with bathrooms!
I wish my muscles showed like that! COOL!
That is fantastic about your pace! I’ve gotten away from my strength training with the move and getting settled, but I have the shred video sitting in the other room and I’m starting it today! I want to join a gym again, but I think I’m going to put it off until the heat of summer when I don’t want to be outside anymore.