Hey gang! Last night Scott and I decided that we were a bit munchy and I put together a plate of snacks! Hooray! I love snacks.
Part of the snackies consisted of things I got at the Foodbuzz Fest! Sadly I had to throw that brie away though. It was in our gift bags and at room temperature, it didn’t occur to me to stick it in the fridge. So for several days it had been sitting in my gift bag and then had to endure a flight home. It smelled like bathroom cleaner and I decided that “when in doubt, throw it out!” So I did. I am very bummed out because I wanted to try it! The olives are for Scott; I don’t like olives.
The Owl plate is the “meat” plate. There is kielbasa for Scott and a Morningstar chick’n patty for me. If you think I did not have any kielbasa then you are very wrong. I didn’t have much though! I was also selfish and did not share my chick’n patty. Get your own suckah!
On the yellow platter is:
- Cucumbers
- Carrots
- Roasted red pepper hummus
- Apricot conserve
- A pear (all for me!)
- Kashi crackers
- Aged white cheddar
- Parano (mmmm!)
- Cranberry goat cheese
I made us some white wine spritzers to drink. Splash of white wine and then filled the glass the rest of the way with seltzer.
While I was assembling the plates, Scott and I had a discussion about cell service in San Fran. He had heard previously that people had troubles with their iPhones not being able to find service.
Me: So yeah, I didn’t have a problem using my iPhone in San Fran.
Scott: No? I wasn’t really impressed with the quality of the phone calls. I thought it would be clearer.
Me: Yeah, I agree.
Scott: There were a couple times I didn’t get notification about your texts. I just didn’t feel the vibration I guess.
Me: I’m sorry to hear that Marky-Mark. What do you think the problem was?
Scott: Rhythm is not my occupation.
Me: You’re awesome.
That’s love right there kids.
While munching we watched some very painful Pens games. LORDY! The same thing happened last year at this time, they got into some sort of funk and could not get their crapola together.
I wasn’t done eating and started demanding more snacks. I got up and pulled out some chocolate zucchini muffins from the freezer.
Delish! I tried really hard to finish up the game we were watching but was passing out on the couch. I had to call it a night.
Rocky is back to his old ways and mama is not allowed to sleep-in any longer. *le sigh* Oh well, no worries, I need to get back into my normal routine. I took care of him and then was out the door for a run.
A very short run indeed, 2.5 miles. My bod and my heart rate were not having anymore. Flying sends my heart rate and BP through the roof but I figured that I would be normal by now. Nope. Oh well, it was nice just to be able to run. It was fantastic outside, cool and blue blue skies.
I quickly showered and made a very soul-warming breakfast.
Pumpkin oats! You love it! With some coffee.
After breakfast, I ran Rocky out for his walk and then it was time for me to get busy getting caught up on life. I started sorting through my pictures of my trip and putting together my post. Then it was time for some lunch.
- Mixed greens
- Carrot
- Cucumber
- Cauliflower
- Red onion
- Sunflower seeds
Fresh ground black pepper and also a new seasoning that I picked up at the Farmer’s Market in San Fran.
Parisian sea salt mixed with sundried heirloom tomatoes. I chatted with the vendors a bit about their salt. All the salt is shipped directly to them and then whatever they use for the mix, in this case tomatoes, they grow themselves. Totally organic and pesticide free. There were so many I wanted to buy! I tasted a few and ended up loving the tomato one so much that I bought a jar.
A little bit of yogurt ranch and this salad was complete.
Smoothie! Which I missed so much!
- 1.5C Carrot juice
- 1.5C Unsweetened cranberry juice
- .5C water
- Spinach
- 1 small apple
- 1 banana
- Frozen pineapple
This smoothie was so good and totally hit the spot.
Some crackers and hummus.
Oh lunches, you complete me.
I worked more on my first recap installment and finally got that published. You can read it here! Finally it was time for dinner! I was starving at this point. Apparently I just blew through lunch like it was nothing.
Glorious leftovers! Soup and I had some Ezek bread with a bit of butter. Have I told you how much I love Ezek bread? Because I totally 100% do.
Now it’s off to SF where hopefully I won’t be too outta practice! Till tomorrow pretties!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Holiday Card Exchange if you are interested in exchanging cards with me this holiday season!
I was debating on whether I should toss that Brie or not. I guess I’ll toss it! Bummer. I’m glad you posted about it though.
“When in doubt, throw it out” is my life motto. Words to live by!
I love big plates of snacks n dips, with different foods, colours and textures.