August 11th, 2009: back to my roots

Hi gang!  I’m stuffed and pooped which is exactly how I like to end an evening.  If wine was involved it would be even better! :p

I saw on Lauren’s blog that she made some pierogies for her man for dinner the other night and I thought, “What a great idea!”  I knew I had some pierogies in the freezer that needed used up and we have not had any in ages.  I decided to make some to go with Fish Tuesday!


Potato and onion pierogies!  I like mine crispy with lots of black pepper and garlic powder.  I’m going to have to make some of my own because this was the last of the boxed kind and I’m not buying those again (too processed).  But for a dinner one night, let’s do it! Thankfully Scott loves the food of my people so he will always jump at the chance to eat one of the dishes.


There was roasted asparagus.


And roasted zucchini on the side as well.


Fish Tuesday was tilapia with a sort of spicy chili sauce topping.

Fish, zucchini, asparagus, pierogies

Look at that big honkin’ plate!  Unfortunately the pierogies weren’t as good as I remembered so I only ate one.  I kicked all my veggies and fish though.  Scott wanted more and ate the remaining veggies and pierogies.  I’m still hungry! :o  I guess I’m going to have to find something else to munch on before bed.  Curse me for not making more veg!

Till tomorrow gang!

4 thoughts on “August 11th, 2009: back to my roots

  1. Aww, I’m so happy I inspired your dinner side tonight. :)

    How did you cook your perogies? I baked them the other night for the first time. (Usually, I sautee them) but since I was alreday baking yucca, I thought I would give the oven method a try. They actually came out crunchy on the outside and light and airy on the inside. Maybe a new favorite cooking method for these.

    Hope you had a great day Andrea!

  2. Yum, I love pierogies! My uncle makes these delicious homemade ones, and it’s always great when he brings them to our family gatherings. The roasted veggies look yummy!

  3. That’s my fave way to end a night too – stuffed and pooped :)
    You are so good about stopping eating, even when something is on your plate. Teach me!

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