May 29th, 2009: Shred It!

In an effort to make my post titles shorter, I’m only adding the date + title.  I had the date + description (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to help me out so if I needed to look back on something I knew exactly when it happened. Then it was date + description + clever title which equaled a crazy long url.  Too much!  So I’m trying to shorten things up.   I’m at the point where if it’s the first post of the day I can recognize that pretty much means breakfast and lunch.  I still want the date as reference for me because while I’m sharing this all with you, it still is a journey for me and I like being able to see when things occurred. :D Coolio?

Last night Scott and I watched a really bad episode of 24.  I’ve been pretty pleased with 24 so far this season (it is what it is and I realize that, so I don’t have much gripe with the show. I poke fun occasionally but no biggie) but that episode we watched was boring and horrible.  Bleh!  Sipping on this:

Glass 1

Glass 1

And munching on this:

3 for luck

3 for luck

Did not occupy me enough.  I had another wee splash of white after that glass and called it good.  The dark chocolate had cranberries and almonds in it, yum!  To take my mind off of 24 we watched some Family Guy.  Ahhhh much better.  I laughed at all the inappropriateness and felt much more at peace.  Then I went to bed at the very wrong time of after 11pm.

Shame on me!

My sleep wasn’t so great last night either.  Since Rose slept well, I think I passed my good sleep vibes over to her but clearly I passed along too much!  Yikes!

I got up before my alarm and that meant I was walking around in my zombie state before 7am.  I got Rocks taken care of and hello headlights it was freaking cold outside this morning.  Good lord, I was not prepared for that at all!  I begrudingly changed into running clothes and headed out for my run.

Which did not happen and I walked back home sad and frustrated.  Three minutes into my run my leg started bothering me and I had to stop.  Last night at MT conditioning class, I was doing some front push kicks and I felt my leg go a little funny.  That’s the best way I can describe it.  It didn’t hurt or anything, just felt off.  I didn’t think much about it till I tried running today and my leg was having none of it. *grumble*

I walked back home and because I was home earlier than usual, this surprised Rocky and I was welcomed with lots of beans and nubbies.  Bean and nubbie dance looks like this.

Starting the bean dance

Starting the bean dance

Almost full beanage achieved

Almost full beanage achieved

Except today’s dance was while he was on the couch and just woken up so it was like he’d been dipping into something while I was away.  In case you do not know what a boxer bean is, I’ll tell you! It’s when the dog gets so happy/excited they start turning in on themselves trying to touch their nose to their butts.  Resembling a kidney bean shape, hence doing “the beans”.  Nubbies are just them wagging their nubs like crazy.  Other dogs bean too but boxers do it best. ;)  And when they are super duper excited, you get the bean dance AND boxer snorts. :cupidarrow:

Because I was already dressed in workout clothes I called up Jillian and as I was about to say “eff it” she said, “No, Shred it!”.  Fine. I’m moving on to Level 2 though because Level 1 is a bit easy.  For the record, these are not 20 minute workouts. When I was done my HRM monitor said 26 minutes and I cut it off at the cooldown because I don’t like her stretches and prefer to do my own. 20 minute lies! Don’t fall for it, but even though it’s more than 20 minutes it’s still a good workout.

Once stretched and cooled down, I hit the shower.  Then I cursed myself for forgetting to make cold oats last night!  Doh!  I had some coffee.



While checking email and stuffs.  This coffee wasn’t as good as it has been in the past.  Perhaps it has a short shelflife?  Something because it was only okay.  I got Scott up for the day and decided to have some breakfast.

Breakfast time

Breakfast time

Yogurt and granola kicked up!

  • 2% Fage
  • Chocolate granola
  • Frozen raspberries
  • Frozen blueberries
  • Dark Chocolate chips(!!)

Because it was Friday and I’m feeling like chocolate still. :D  I had a little bit more coffee but ended up tossing it because it was not what I wanted at all.  I got dressed and headed out with the Rockster for his walk.  It was lovely and cool so we walked it good for almost an hour.  When we got home I did my PT exercises and then plopped my butt back down in the office to work on some things.

Lunch was calling me and I did not push ignore.  All I wanted was a salad in the worst way and that is exactly what Lunch was calling about!

Purty veg

Purty veg

  • Mixed greens
  • Shredded carrot and zucchini
  • Chopped broccoli
  • Rasins
  • Tomatoes
  • Banana peppers
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Crouton dust

Dressed with a little yogurt Caesar dressing.



An apple for fruit (fresh fruit in this house is nonexistant other than apples).

Party time

Party time

You can see some crackers in the picture, I only had one.  Is that worth mentioning?  I guess I just did.  Since I was already shredding and chopping veggies last night for pizza, I kept some aside for today’s lunch.  Need it twice, chop it once, thanks to The Ray for that tip!  It made assembling the salad much faster today and less dirty dishes.

Let’s Talk Buns!

nom nom nom

nom nom nom

Look at my bun today eating out of the feeder!  So sweet!  I think it might be mating season again for the buns.  Prime bun time is early morning and early evening around the HQ.  Occasionally we see some in the afternoon but not many.  Last week in the evenings we had as much as 6 buns in the yard! :O  That’s a  lot of buns bouncing around.  They were all chasing each other and simply acting the fool.  Cute!  And then our buns dissapeared for a while so my guess is they are off nesting somewhere.  Now they are starting to emerge again.  Today I saw three this morning while shredding it and then that lil man while eating lunch.  Love the buns!

4 thoughts on “May 29th, 2009: Shred It!

  1. Sorry to hear about the rough night and bad run :(

    Oh, I did the level 2 shred today too, and wore my HR monitor. I also noticed that I stopped mine at about 27 minutes! I guess maybe the whole circuit section is 20 minutes, and the warmup and cooldown make up those last 6-7? Before, I was under the assumption that the whole thing was supposed to be 20 min.

    That bunny is so cute!

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