April 14th, 2009: Breakfast and Lunch (and my first ultrasound!)

Hi guys!  I was in bed by 10:30 last night but so could have gone to bed earlier.  I was passing out around 9:30.  We were watching a Pens game and since the playoffs start this week, I want to try and get caught up.  So I forced myself to stay up to finish the game.  It was actually a really crappy game against the Panthers.  Do folks in Florida not like hockey?  Good lord every time I see a Panthers, and especially a Lightening game, there are so many empty seats.  The Panthers have the dumbest uniforms (sorry guys, but you really do!) and I can’t help but laugh whenever they play the “growl” noise for them.

Alright, enough picking on the Panthers! ;)

I woke up last night around 4am for a potty run and I was starving. :O  My stomach was going to town making noises.  I loved my dinner last night but it left me feeling not fully satisfied.  I have come to realize that I need more veggies with my dinner.  Or at least one veggie that provides some good fiber bulk.  I can do a big bunch of greens, but anything else I need lots of and variety.  Like carrots, zucchini, and beans or something like that.  Fries are yummy, but even with sweet potato fries, I need something more.

I got up this morning shortly after 7am and got Rocky taken care of as quickly as possible since it was raining.  I passed up breakfast and coffee and instead started working right away.  I also iced my knee.  Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and got up to make some breakfast.  I woke Scott up early this morning so he could have a warm breakfast and not have to reheat it later (which while tasty isn’t nearly as good).



I made oatbran!  With the last our bananas too.  I guess we will have to make a quick stop today and pick up some more.  Oh oatbran what a perfect breakfast for this dreary rainy morning.  Basic oatbran with crushed walnuts, cranberries, and a small scoop of cashew butter.  I haven’t been feeling the dark chocolate PB lately so I’m passing the time until I can get some more vanilla almond butter.  Mmmm

Breakfast was awesome and the coffee was okay.  Not nearly the creamy goodness it was yesterday.  I busted out some laundry and some stuff to on my to-do list, then it was time to head over to PysT!  But first, I ate this:

Orange mix

Orange mix

I was a tad bit hungry but didn’t need lunch, just something quick to hold me over.  An orange and some bear naked trail mix.  Perfect!

My first session when really well.  It was just a basic information gathering type of session.  The PysTherapist was very nice and her name was Caroline.  She evaluated my leg and had me walk around so she could take a peek at my stride.  My shoes are good but I could use just an extra bit of cushion so I’m going to look for some inserts.  She also gave me some band exercises to do that I can do at home on days that I’m not at PysT.  Basically it’s a lot of stretching and strengthening type of things.

I will be able to do the 1/2 for sure!  She said that I was in really good shape because I’m not feeling or having any pain, it’s just an ache.  And the snapping/popping is all because the IT band is tight.  My last long run will be around 10 miles before the 1/2 and at this point I’m okay with that.  As long as I will be able to run this half, I am happy.

She also suggested a foam roller but where do I get one?  Can I just hit up Target or whatever and buy foam? :o

And I had my first ultrasound!

It’s a knee!!  In case you were curious. ;)  I get ultrasound treatments around my knee to help heal the area faster and take down the inflammation.  It was very cool to experience and very relaxing.  Uh, can we get ultrasound massages?  That would be awesome!

So I’m in good shape and she’s pretty confident that I can get through this.  Hooray!!

After my PysT session, we headed over to WF for a quick stop and lunch pickup.

Pizza bites

Pizza bites

Scott had pizza that I had a few bites of. :blush:  Normally I don’t care for their pizza but they must have changed the sauce out because this was really good!  Before I thought their pizza sauce was too sweet.

veg love

veg love

spicy shrimp

spicy shrimp

On the plate for me, is sesame broccoli, Thai slaw, and tomato&cucumber salad.  That gigantic space on the right held leftover salmon with cream cheese on pumpernickle.  However upon tasting it, it seemed a little off.  I tossed it and pulled out the sushi that I bought.  Spicy shrimp with brown rice and cucumber.  It was good!  I had two rolls and all of the other veggies.  I realized that I can only hand a small amount of sushi before it starts tasting blah and making me feel icky.

We had a really late lunch and Scott also had a work issue come up.  His work issue meant we weren’t going to make MT class this evening.  Booo!  The rain had briefly stopped and I was going to run Rocky out for a walk but then it picked back up again and was pouring.  I changed into my jammies and put my robe on.  Oh yeah!  Then I set about to do this post and I asked Scott to make some decaf because I wanted a drink.  Mmmm

decaf time

decaf time

So I’m sipping on this and finishing up this post.  The rain may have stopped again, so I’ll see if I can get Rocky outside quick.  He’s going stir-crazy being stuck inside.

4 thoughts on “April 14th, 2009: Breakfast and Lunch (and my first ultrasound!)

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