March 5th, 2009: Dinner

Hi guys!  MT conditioning class was out because Scott has a bum wrist.  We stayed home and I made seafood scampi risotto!  First there were munchies while dinner cooked because I was a little noshy and Scott was just straight up hungry.

cheese plate

cheese plate

Cheese, crackers, and raisins. :p  The cheese is cheddar and swiss.  Kashi asiago crackers, and well, raisins.  I had three crackers, a few raisins, one very small slice of cheddar, and a small slice of swiss.  Plus some cherry seltzer straight up.

dinner time

dinner time

Behold dinner!  Nothing crazy but something a little more fancy for Thursday night dinner.  In it is shrimp and baby scallops.  I used the same ingredients as my shrimp and scallops in garlic wine sauce.  It turned out good but I’ll definitely try to add in some diced tomatoes next time I make it.

The evening is going to consist of nothing much really.  Hanging out and maybe a quick walk since it’s still light outside!

5 thoughts on “March 5th, 2009: Dinner

  1. That looks soooooooooooo good. I haven’t stopped yet for breakfast so it’s made me hungry.

    I’m hoping James will get off early enough this evening so that we can go up the road for a seafood dinner. I’m craving shrimp and catfish.

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