Hi guys! Super quickie post because I would like to get in a wee bit of reading before heading out to SF class tonight. I did indeed make some tea!
Peppermint tea with a small spoon of honey. Yum!
For dinner I stuck with a veggie meal and make a sort of stir-fry thingie.
Served over quinoa. It had:
- Carrots
- Red onion
- Green beans
- Sugar snap peas
- Corn
- Broccoli
Seasoned with some curry powder and soy sauce. Added some chick stock to make a bit of a sauce for it. It tasted fine and the quinoa was awesome but for some reason it was not satisfying me. I was almost choking it down and finally I just stopped eating it. Boo. I should have went with my original idea of pull chicken bbq and roasted veg on the side. Live and learn, live and learn.
Since dinner didn’t fill me up or leave me feeling content, I had a piece of flax and fiber bread with a little bit of butter on it.
I felt “fuller” after that but nothing to sing about. I’ll wait it out and if I need a small snack after class tonight then I’ll have one. Later tots!