Hi guys! I was up just before 7am today and that’s okay because I was asleep by 9:30 last night. I just could not stay up any longer. :p We watched a movie, some Twilight Zone and then off to bed to read for a bit which wasn’t long at all.
When I took Rocky outside, before 7am it was already warmer than it was for the race yesterday. Oh Mother Nature, you little trickster. After taking care of Rocks, I headed right in to work on my race post. Sorry if my race post sounded like such a Debbie Downer but it sucked and that’s pretty much the extent of it. I really can’t make that race sound better than that. Scott said that even those that came in early said it was hard and that even they had to walk in some places. That made me feel loads better. Am I glad I did it? Hell yes. I ran my first race and crossed a goal off of my ’09 goal list. Now I’m not a race virgin anymore. And yes I will for sure be doing more races just not this one ever again.
Believe it or not that post took me about 2+ hours to work on. I know! Finally it was time for some coffee and breakfast.
2% peach fage with peppermint coffee (Thanks hunnie!!). I sat my butt on the couch with breakfast and caught up on my reader. Eventually Scott got up and I walked outside to feed my birdies. Whoa! I was unprepared for how warm it was! Ice and snow were melting like crazy and I was able to scrape off the last remaining bits of ice off the deck. I fed my birdies and all was well. I only needed a sweatshirt when I was out, awesome! However I don’t think the nice weather is going to last. Boo.
I came back in and got to work making Sunday breakfast.
And yes there is a cover missing on the left side. I took it off so I can see the flame under the griddle. It’s hard to see and monitor when the grate is in place.
Pancakes! PB pancakes to be exact. They were good but a little too dense. We also had some chicken breakfast sausages and in the middle is fruit salad (orange, apple, grapes)with a little fage and maple syrup. Yum! And orange fizzies to drink.
Then we cleaned up the kitchen and now it’s time to take Rocks for a walk. He’s going to be so happy he doesn’t have to wear booties or a jacket.
And yes I’m sore today! My left hip and down around my achillies (left side) is sore today. It’s killing me not to be able to run in this goregeous weather!