Hi guys! Despite a crudtastic sleep last night I’m having a fabbo day! Backtracking a bit:

yummy combo
I did indeed have a glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate last night. Mmmm it was 60% dark and was so yummy! I also had another 1/2 glass of red while we rocked it on the couch watching Antiques Roadshow. I only made it through half the show before having to head up to bed! Before that though, I just remembered we did watch Lost. This was like from 3 weeks ago because we’re very bad about keeping up with shows. Anyway this episode was the one where they got taken hostage by Richard’s camp from 1954 and saw the hydrogen bomb? Do you remember? Well the hostages, Geek guy, Snotty Redhead, and the Asian dude (sorry can’t remember their names), were taken hostage and “tied” up and then left alone in a tent. Okay I had to roll my eyes at this whole thing. First of all their hands were bound in front of them. If you’re going to take someone hostage and bind them so they can’t escape, you DO NOT tie their hands together in the front. Common sense and Bauer 101 has taught me this. Secondly, they were left alone in the tent like that. Um, hello, escape much? I would just walk over to my friend and say, “Hey, I’m just going to stand right here in front of you while you untie my hands. And then we can free everyone else and get the crap outta there.” Please. Stuff like that bugs me in shows and movies when I see it.
Moving along….
I woke up at 3am and could not fall back to sleep. My body was exhausted but my mind was racing around thinking of a million different things. Meh. I shut my alarm off at 6am and tried to fall back to sleep. Not happening and I got up for good around 6:20 or so. Things were frosty crispy when I let Rocky out but it wasn’t terribly cold. Checking the weather the high is supposed to get in the 40s today.
I did some bloggy work and then decided to go for my run even though I was exhausted. I didn’t run yesterday and I needed to get moving. I also passed on breakfast and waited to have that once I got back home. I had 1/2 a clif bar, I think it was chocolate chip.

chocolate chip?
I’m not sure though, I saw it in a baggie in the pantry and ate it. I’m going with chocolate chip. I busted out the door and was on my way. I did need a hat and my heavier pants today but still only had to wear my hoodie. It was amazing outside! Just slightly cool, the perfect running weather. I believe it was in the 30s at 7:30 this morning when I headed out. I did a nice run pushing my HR every so often. I only did 3.5 miles today because my hip was bugging me a bit. Which has started happening as my run lengths increase. However, yoga has helped that a great deal but since I didn’t stretch on Wednesday and didn’t run yesterday, I think that’s why my hip was acting up.

Even though I wanted to keep going because I was in the zone and it was so awesome outside, I decided to listen to my body and head home. Once home I did a few minutes of yoga, not the full 20 but about 16. Then I got Scott-loves up and made my breakfast.

Still no oats so I had a yogurt mess! Semi-inspired by E! YaY! I have 2% fage, some pumpkin, vanilla protein powder, ground flax, 2 crushed crack squares, and chocolate granola. I should have added in some cranberries too now that I’m thinking about it!

breakfast time
Along with morning coffee and creamer. Yum! My mess could have used a little more sweetness to it but otherwise it was good and very filling. Hooray fiber and protein!
More bloggy stuff, getting my reader down, and then I moved on to cleaning the abode. Once that was done it was time to start making some lunchie.
Scott and I are going out to dinner tonight (Akai Hana) and it’s possible that I’ll get a dish with meat in it. Since I’ve had meat (small amount) two days in a row, I needed some veg in a big way for lunch. I decided on a veggie hoagie!

On my whole wheat hoagie roll from bottom to top is:
- Spicy hummus
- Spinach
- Romaine
- Sprinkle of pinto beans
- Sauteed onion and green pepper
- Tomato
- Banana peppers
- Olive oil mayo on top
All smooshed together in a perfect sandwich! And on the side were:

Buffalo zucchini sticks! So good! I sliced up a medium sized zucchini into “sticks” and placed them in a plastic bag. I added a little bit of olive oil, lots of buffalo sauce (maybe 3 TBSP), garlic powder, black pepper, and season salt. Gave that a shimmy shake. Then added a little bit of bread crumbs to coat (shake bag again). Baked them at 375 for about 10 minutes.

lunch time
There were also some carrot sticks and orange slices as part of the meal. On my plate is a small slice of pepperjack cheese, but I didn’t eat it. I left about 1/4 of my sandwich and munched on everything else. So yummy and totally filling. A little “too” filling as I felt a little overfull afterward. That has been happening to me way too much lately. I need to be more aware of eating and my contentment level.
Now I’m off to take Rocks for his walk and start getting pretty for my date tonight! If the weather stays nice, I might wear a skirt. Whee!!!!
Happy Friday the 13th!!
Today has been the opposite for me. I’ve had good luck. I got my secret cupid and I have felt really good all day.
Your veggie hoagie looks delish, so does all your meals.
haha, the mystery clif!
yummy hoagie!!!! Love that breakfast