Hi guys! Last night Scott and I enjoyed a 2nd glass of wine on the couch while watching Wall-E. Oh what a sweet movie. I’m not big on cartoon and animation movies but I loved this movie. After it was over we watched some House Hunters. We had a bit of white wine left in a bottle from NYE. :o So we had a small glass of that and a late night snack.
Pumpkin latte ice cream. So good and totally hit the spot. At 11pm I headed up to bed and read for about half an hour before deciding it was lights out time.
I slept till 8am which wasn’t too bad! It started raining last night which surprised us because there had been clear skies all day long. It was wet when I got up this morning but not raining which was a good sign. I got Rocky taken care of and settled in for some coffee and breakfast before my run.
Peppermint coffee which was perfectly made this morning! And some 2% fage with the last bits of chocolate Bear Naked and 1 peppermint bark square. It’s Sunday and the last day of vacation so I figured what the heck, go for it. An awesome way to end breakfast.
I came this close –> <– to not running this morning. I kept thinking how I did a bunch yesterday, it was rainy gloomy outside, and staying in jammies seemed the way to go. I got myself out of that funk though by reminding myself that:
It was Sunday so for sure no construction guys.
Today is the last day of Booty Buster and I need points even though I have no hope of placing at all.
Tomorrow is my rest day, I can rest then.
Remembering how bloated I feel when I don’t work out.
2009 goal of always making time for exercise/run.
Telling myself that once I got out there if I wasn’t feeling it I could stop and go back home.
I was out the door! It was warm today so I only needed one pair of pants and my hoodie. It was so nice! Beautifully cool but not bitter cold. I had loads of energy and was busting out my run. A couple times it started sprinkling and the cool drops felt so good on my face as I ran.
I did my normal 3.5 loop without worrying about stupid construction guys. I did my run in 41 minutes and as I was walking up the driveway the sprinkling got a little heavier. By the time I made it inside and into the kitchen for my CS it was raining. Guess I would have to take Rocky later.
I drank my CS, changed out of my running clothes and plopped down on the couch with my laptop. Scott got up and I chatted with him for a bit. Then I headed upstairs for a shower. After my shower I sorted laundry and brought a load downstairs. Then I started on lunch.
Easy lunch or Sunday Breakfast today. Toasted beer bread (of course!) this time with more cheddar on top. Oh my! Scrambled eggs (3 eggs + 2 egg whites) with chipped ham, mustard, and hot sauce. In the middle are 4 clems and 2 oranges. I ate all of my eggs and only 1/2 of my bread slice. I had a good bit of clems and oranges though.
After that we cleaned up the kitchen and I started a load of laundry. Now I don’t know what we’re going to do. It’s the last day of vacation so we better do something fun. Or fun for us I should say. :p
Good job on getting out that door for your run! So funny about the construction guys…what’s up with them all the time?
Your lunch looks fab!