Hi OHCers! Would you care to witness my day of debauchery? I thought that might be your answer. Yesterday was a crazy busy day and by the time I finally got to sit down for a second it was going on 10pm and I could not bring myself to take another 45 minutes out to write a post. You all understand, I know.
I went on my run yesterday and only did a shortie 2.5miler because as I was running my right hammy was giving me tons of problems. It was stiff, sore, and felt like if I extended my leg too much it would pull the muscle. Not good and definitely not something one wants on a run! So I did a really easy pace. Once home I had 1.5 big glasses of water because I was still out of CS. Boo and I was really missing it too! Water after my runs just does not get it.
I showered and made lunch which was not so bad.
It was leftovers! I had some oven fries on the side and some rice mixed with some romaine. It was all very yummy and tasty however it did not sit well in my stomach. Blech. I don’t know if I ate it too fast or ate too much or what but it was not a good feeling.
After lunch we ran to the grocery store quick to pick up a few items we needed. One that we desperately need is more 2% Fage and the grocery store was out! :o They were not out of CS though, hooray! As we were checking out, I told the cashier just to stick the things in the cart because we had bags in the car but forgot to bring them in. He did and it was no problem. However the cashier next to him came over and started picking things out of my cart and commenting on them. Okay one of my biggest pet peeves is when a checker comments on something I’ve purchased. It bugs me. However I played nice yesterday because it is the holidays and just chatted with her instead of getting cranky. I found out we both have a love for peppermint mocha creamer and I told her about the peppermint mocha coffee you can get at Target. It was all good (but I still didn’t like her touching my stuffs!).
We got home and quickly put the groceries away. I went through and lit candles, and then I cleaned the casa. I was trying to hurry and get that finished because a friend was stopping by quick to drop something off. I finished that in plenty of time and got busy making some cranberry sauce. Oh yum! So easy and so tasty to make. Scott put on Christmas music and opened up a bottle of wine. Now I’m not even going to front, you will see a lot of wine (and/or beer) from now until after the New Year. I’m being straight with you although I know all of you are not ones to judge. I’m just saying.
I had a wee bit while we munched on these mammoth appetizers. Just know it had cranberry sauce on top! These are going to get posted soon so stay tuned. It was a new idea I came up with and they are awesome. And very decadent.
After that it was time to get started on some dinner! We obviously didn’t make it to MT last night. I was bummed but if we are going to miss a class I would rather it be a Thursday since that is just straight conditioning and not instruction. Well it’s instruction in the sense he tells us what exercises to do, but not instruction in terms of learning new combos or working on techniques.
Anyway, back to dinner. Dinner was amazing! I decided to make last night a special night, hence the appetizers. For dinner we had stuffed flounder and a side of some basic sauteed zucchini. One glass of wine with dinner. The flounder was stuffed with a crab mixture, sprinkled with some some breadcrumbs and baked in the oven at 400 for about 10 minutes or so. SO GOOD! Scott loved it and it got many praises in between bites and cursing the Pens. :p We finished Wednesday’s game as we ate. They botched that game so much.
After dinner it was going on 10pm and I was pooped. I had been running around all day long. And yes I did finish my two new projects that came in yesterday. The only things that I didn’t get to was going to MT and decorating. But I did everything else so hooray!