Hi guys! It’s taking me a little bit to get used to writing November. :p I keep wanting to write October still! We did end up having a fizzie last night!
Scott says these are his new favorite things and he’s glad I started making us fizzies. This is a Lime fizzie with lime seltzer, fresh squeezed lime juice, and some limeade. Yummy! And perfect for sipping as we watched Saturday’s Pens game. The Pens handed the Blues their butts, beat them 6-3.
Guys I was literally passing out as we watched the game. It was 9pm and I was falling asleep on the couch! I did my best and made it till 10pm when the game finally ended, then I was off to bed. Usually I handle the time change well but last night it definitely caught up with me and my body wasn’t in the groove yet.
Up at 7:00 which means I had a good 9 hours of sleep! Wooo! We are still having warm weather and this morning was no different. It was slightly humid and felt like rain when I walked out to take this picture. I wonder how long this weather is going to continue? I actually don’t mind because it is still cool in the mornings and evenings. One of my favorite things is having it slightly warmer on Thanksgiving so that I can have the windows open as I make the turkey dinner. Keeps the heat in the kitchen down and makes everything seem a little more cozy festive.
Breakfast this morning was coffee + creamer, and some 2% fage with bare naked banana nut granola on top. I only drank 1/2 the coffee because I realized I needed to get dressed and start getting ready for PT. I have a love/hate thing going on with my new PT time. I love that it’s early and when I get back home it’s still morning. I hate that it’s early because I feel like I don’t have enough time in the mornings to ease into the day before having to interact with others. And with that, I’m off to PT!
Beautiful picture of this morning!