October 4th, 2008: Breakfast

Morning guys! Rocky let me sleep in till 8am today, wooo! I’m currently watching Aunt Sandy on FoodTV and it’s a show with the theme of a girl’s birthday. All the pink she’s using is a little nauseating. I made the best ever oats again this morning for breakfast.

Best ever oats

Best ever oats

Standard oat mixture:

  • 1/2 C oats
  • 3/4 C vanilla soymilk
  • 1 banana
  • Pinch salt
  • Cinnamon

On top is 1/3 C of homemade granola and a spoonful of dark chocolate PB. Yummmmm! This was awesome!



There was a little mixup with the coffee this morning. I opened the fridge and saw there was no creamer. I assumed we were out since I knew we had to go shopping and are currently on the last of everything. So I had half and half and some sugar in my coffee. It was okay but I much prefer the french vanilla creamer. I actually only like half and half plus sugar in my coffee when we go out to breakfast. I know weird. So I drank about half my coffee and had all my oats. When Scott got up I told him how bummed I was that we were out of creamer and he said that we weren’t, there was some downstairs. Doh! Poop on me.

We have a big weekend, we just have a lot to do and get done. Most of it is running around and doing errands. Well it’s time for me to get moving and head off to MT. See you guys later!

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