Hi guys! I tried my hardest sleeping in till 8am today but Rocky wasn’t having it. I got up around 7:30ish and got the day started. Had to turn the air on for a bit last night, it was really stuffy in the bedroom. I knew it would cool down eventually but I didn’t want to be hot while sleeping. The mornings and evenings have been cool but the days are still pretty hot.
After taking care of Rocky it was time to fuel myself before PT. I had my morning coffee + regular creamer and a slice banana with four scoops of yogurt and about 1/4 cup of the bare naked granola. I relaxed a little bit surfing around and then it was time to head to PT already. Eeep! Maybe I’ll just get up early everyday because I sort of felt like my morning got away from me today.
I knew going in that I wanted to do some leg work. For the record, I hate leg work; however, it’s necessary because my quads need to be stronger otherwise my kicks or my running will not get any better unless I work the legs. And work the legs we did! Started off doing squats with the bar + weight. I don’t know how much weight was added but my last couple sets were me squatting 100lbs. Go me! Then I had to do some sprints in the gym, 25 yards timed. My best time was running that in 3.4 seconds. And there was lots of jumping and hopping and leaping and all that fun stuff to help build muscle and work the quick reflexes. He told me to start adding sprints to my runs every so often, so I’m thinking about starting that this week. Not tomorrow because I know my thighs will not want to sprint. :p But maybe Wednesday. I was starving after class! My stomach wasn’t growling but my body was telling me it needed to refuel and quickly please.
After a quick shower and kisses to Rocks, I made a big lunch. Well big for me, I suppose it doesn’t look too terribly big. I had two slices of deli turkey and some romaine on 12 grain bread that I spread some LC lite French Onion cheese on. Plus some cucumbers and that’s pears and peaches in the background. I also had a pickle! I was making Scott’s sandwich and as I was putting pickles on it I decided they smelled too good to pass up. :p So I had one. I ate all of my sandwich, a good bit of the fruit and all but 3 of the cucs. Hungry!
Cleaned up the dishes and started the last bit of laundry. I’ve got some stuff to do around the house and I still need to make some granola so I better get moving. See you later!
I grew cucumbers again this year, we eat them at almost every meal until they stop producing.