
Checking In

Coffee with almond milk

Hey all!  It’s been a while!  A couple of weeks ago, Scott and I received some tragic news and I really needed to step away for a few and deal with that.

I have missed blogging very much! It’s definitely a part of who I am.  Life should be back on track at this point.  While things were turned a little upside for a while, I did make sure that we still ate well and stuck to our workout plan.  That gave me something to focus on and also some time to decompress and relieve some stress.

Scott and I started Insanity Max 30 right before Christmas and this was one of the best decisions that we made.  The program has been awesome and we are currently in the last week of Month 2.  Both of us have seen results from this program and I will chat more about it with you and my thoughts on at-home workouts.

I’ve also decided to become a Beach Body Coach in addition to being a Holistic Health Coach.  I really believe in the Beach Body Programs and the support system that it builds.  Finding a support network and a Fit Family is so important in fostering and nurturing a healthy lifestyle.

While I did take a little mini break from blogging, big things happened in that time as well.  I can’t wait to talk with you about it!