
Fitness Friday

Deadlift Weight

To be fully honest, these posts are mostly for me to write down how my training went for the week and to just get out all the feels.  Maybe you’ll find it interesting or even helpful so I decided to share the nitty gritty of training.

Like with everything some days/weeks are great and others are not.  Training isn’t always puppies and rainbows and with lifting I’m learning a lot about myself, some positive and some negative.  This is my space to work through all of that.


Was rough. I didn’t eat well enough on Sunday and didn’t get enough sleep so I was dragging ass during the workouts.  We did a lot of thrusters and had to do 6 rounds of 10 as part of the workout.  I got through 2 rounds with 55lb weights (just barely) and had to drop down to 45lb for the remaining 4 rounds.  Still chasing that 55lb goal.

I also did baseline testing to see where my max weight was with bench press and deadlift.  I got up to 72lb bench but I think my max is closer to 70lb.  And 120lb deadlift.  I also feel like I can do a heavier weight on the deadlift but my hammies were like, “Nope, nope, nope” that day.


Missed because I didn’t sleep well Monday night and went to bed too late.  BAH!


First day of extra strength training and it went alright.  As much as I love lifting weights, I do struggle with it as well. It’s a HUGE mental game that I need to get past because sometimes I let the weight get into my head.  My max squat is 95lb and the program had me squatting 85lb 3×5  (3 sets of 5 reps).  I was intimidated.  I did it but it was challenging.

Bench and press are my weakest areas because my shoulders are my weakest body part.  Benching went OK but I wasn’t able to complete 65lb 3×5.  I did it for 3×3 though.  That’s going to be a tough area for me.

Deadlifts went great and I was able to do 105lb for 1×5.


Missed because again I didn’t sleep well the previous evening.  CRANKY.


Missed because of lack of sleep.

Basically this week SUCKED.  I’m crabby that I missed three workouts.  This wasn’t a great week and I got frustrated with my workouts and lack of workouts.

Monday I’m starting fresh.  Brand new week and brand new attitude.  I’m going to start my strength session over at Day 1 again and not look back but focus on my goals. It’s time to get serious about my workouts because if I don’t take them seriously then I’m not going to see the results and progress that I want.

Here’s to looking ahead!

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