
April Goals


I haven’t done monthly goals in quite some time but I have a lot going on this spring and setting up goals will help me stay on track.  Here’s what I’m focusing on for this month.

Getting up at 6am during the week

I’ve struggled with getting back into a routine where I am getting up at 6am in the mornings.

I am a morning person.

This does not mean that I am chipper and ready to offer you conversation and a smile.  It’s best if you don’t even talk to me in the mornings.  By “morning person”, I mean that I prefer to get up and get my day started.  I like exercising first thing in the morning and I’m also way more productive in the mornings.

Since I haven’t been getting up early to start my day, production levels for me have tanked and I am finding that I’m running out of time to get everything done that I would like.

I have successfully got back into the routine of getting to bed early but sometimes if I don’t have a good sleep then getting up early doesn’t happen.  No excuses this month though! I have someone I check in with each morning to let them know that I’m up and ready to start the day.  I also make sure that I’m in bed early with plenty of time to read before it’s lights out.

Running several times a week

I chatted before about giving up the runner label.  I had to do this because I wasn’t in the space mentally and physically to run.  Despite my best efforts it was not happening.

I missed it though.  Very much.

A few weeks ago on a whim I decided to try running again.  I alternated between running and walking on a trail and I did great.  Better than I thought I would do.  Which sparked in me the desire to try running again.

At the moment I’m sticking to trails and ones that are very flat (no inclines at all) as I work towards getting my running legs back and developing my breathing.  So far it’s been going well and I’m up to two miles.

Going full on Primal with eats

If you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve seen a recent uptake on posting my daily eats. It’s a lot easier to share my meals via that platform verses spending time writing out a full blog post about it.  Scott and I have been following a mostly primal diet for a while now with a few non-primal things thrown in because we can tolerate them.  Well this month we’ve decided to go full on Primal.

As I work towards healing my gut and getting us back on track with our healthy lifestyle, I’ve realized that eating Primal makes me feel the best and is the most beneficial towards gut health.  Scott is on board, of course, because he’s not the one making the meals!  But the truth is, both of us enjoy a more primal lifestyle.  We feel more satisfied and fulfilled.  If you asked me about going primal three years ago, I would have told you that was crazy.  Now I get it.

One thing this year has taught me so far, is to never say never.

Those are my April goals!  What are you working towards this month?

2 thoughts on “April Goals

  1. Those sound like great goals for April, and I’ve been really enjoying the meals you’ve posted to Instagram! They’ve inspired me to diversify some of my eats as well. I also struggle with getting up early at times, though staying on Eastern time for work has helped with being a morning person out west.

    Glad to hear running has been going well so far, too!

    • Thanks Jess! I like seeing what other people eat so I hoped to do the same for others. I’m glad you are enjoying them!

      I’m so happy to be running again. Like shout from the rooftops happy. Haha!

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