Silver Lining Of A Cold

Simmering PotSome how I have picked up a cold.  It hit me full force last night and I’m down for the count.  I’m still functional but feel like death warmed over.

Summer colds are the worst!  Being hot with a fever when it’s already hot outside makes for a pretty miserable experience.

I have a meeting today and then when I get back home I’m crashing out on the couch.  Hopefully some Law and Order: SVU will be playing because Stabler always makes things a little better.

It’s a little too warm out for hot tea and bourbon but I will be drinking stock like it’s my job.  I’ve already got some simmering away on the stove.

We had our first chicken CSA pickup yesterday and now we are loaded down with eggs and chicken for the month.  We have 5 dozen eggs and I’m curious to see how long that actually lasts.  I bet I’ll have to supplement a bit.  However we should have plenty of bones so that I can make sure to always have some stock on hand.

Thankfully I still have an appetite and all I want is real food and lots of veggies.  Since the Spring Clean Eats challenge has ended, we have slowly creeped back to having some processed foods and eating out more than we should.

And we both have noticed the effects.  I turned to Scott the other day and said, “I miss breakfast soup.  I miss the clean eats challenge.  I felt amazing when we did that and now I feel like crap.”

I know that the quality of food one consumes directly impacts the way someone will feel.  I know this and yet there’s this mental obstacle that I need to get past in order to get back to eating well.  Why I have this block, I have no idea.

With this stupid cold, I’ve had the lightbulb moment.  The moment where I said, ENOUGH.  I’m done feeling like crap and eating like crap.  It’s time to jump this hurdle.

So I’ll take this week to get back to eating real foods and taking care of myself.  Not only to kick start this journey but to get over this cold.

It’s time to take charge of my health again and return to the real me.

The cold may be annoying but it has made me realize that it’s time to get off the crappy foods train and get back to living a healthy and positive lifestyle.


One thought on “Silver Lining Of A Cold

  1. I know what you mean about an illness scaring you straight! The Husband and I caught a stomach bug this week and it’s absolutely made me think twice about where I eat (we suspect food poisoning from food I didn’t make).

    Hope you feel better soon!

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