Spring Clean Eats: Day 3, Rinse, Repeat

Coffee, mandarin oranges, chickenToday’s eats were pretty much the same as yesterday.  Wednesday mornings are when I head over to a local dog shelter to do volunteer work.  I was very tried from a crap night of sleep so I reached for the chicken.

Chicken and broth are two very comforting and restoring foods for me, especially in the mornings.  Since I loved the chicken and sauteed spinach that I had yesterday, I went with that again.

I was low on spinach and out of frozen chopped greens!  Ack!  Breakfast was mostly chicken with a side of two mandarin oranges.


Once back home from the shelter I was able to sneak out for a quick run.  Considering I haven’t run in weeks this run went amazingly well.  I noticed a huge change today during my run.  While I did have to take one walk break, the run was very smooth.  I had energy which I almost never do during noon runs.  My best runs always happen in the mornings because I have the most energy then.

I didn’t feel over tired or even struggling for energy.  I fully believe this has to do with my eats over the past couple of days, providing me with more sustained energy.  I am curious to see how this will transition over the next 30 days.  Will I notice myself getting stronger?  Having more endurance? Will I finally be able run a full mile with no breaks?

After a much needed shower I made us some lunch.


Salad, the same as yesterday minus the chicken.  I had 1.5 hard boiled eggs sprinkled with salt and pepper along with a small slice of cheese.  I really wanted a bite of good cheese today so I went for it.  Tillamook Extra Sharp Cheddar is what we usually have on hand and it’s fantastic tasting if you dig sharp cheddar.

Along with a Kombucha on the side.

Lunch was alright but I noticed that it didn’t quite fill me up and leave me satisfied.  I kept thinking about dinner and when I could eat it!

Thankfully we had leftovers from last night so I was able to heat that up quickly and chow down.

Curry Pork Bowl

Curry Pork bowls full of veggies!

I also got a chance to make stock today so hopefully I’ll be able to make some breakfast soup soon!  Breakfast soup and sauteed chicken for breakfast are tied as my second favorite thing to have.

My very favorite thing to eat for breakfast is pork tamales!  No judging now!

Sadly dinner didn’t seem to fill me up either so I’ll probably end up having some sort of snack tonight.  Tune in tomorrow to see what it was!

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