June 6th, 2009: Shutout

Hi guys!  I stuck to keeping things simple yesterday and finished the day with some lovely snackies!  Woo!

Scott and I watched some more E3 and then we took a quick break to take Rocky out for a walk.  When we got back it was time for dinner.

Roasted veggies, brown rice and vegan nuggets

Thankfully there was some leftovers in the fridge from Thursday, so I had leftover brown rice and roasted veggies for dinner.  And a few vegan nuggets dipped in some BBQ sauce.  YUM!

After dinner we played the demo for Infamous for a bit.  If you game or like gaming (or maybe your SO games) I highly recommend this game.  It’s fantastic!  It’s like Assassin’s Creed except it’s not boring as hell.  So cool!

Then it was time to watch the Pens game.  I made a quick snack for that.


Popcorn!  And this helped me get through a horrible horrible game.  But it wasn’t enough.

Frozen yogurt

Frozen yogurt! One small scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate.  It was my first time trying the coffee and admittedly I didn’t care for it too much.  It had a bit of a weird aftertaste going on.  Normally, I don’t have two snacks like that at night but my eats yesterday were very light so two snacks is no biggie.

The game was completely awful and at 11pm, I headed up to bed to try and sleep it off.

Keeping things light and simple throughout the day was a success and by the end of the day I was back to feeling 100%.  Hooray!

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