Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Hi guys!  Today has been a whirlwind because I have been doing tons of things all over the house.  I am just now sitting down for a second to take a breath (4:30pm).  Ever have days where you wish you didn’t have plans so that you could keep going with what you’re currently doing?  Yeah, I’m having one of those days today.  Wish I didn’t have to stop!  Finish time on this post is 6:20pm.  Zoinks!

Last night while Scott and I watched a game, there was a snack!  New for us:

dark chocolate

dark chocolate

Dark chocolate frozen yogurt.  Oh man it was so good.  I was going to eat it plain and then Scott said, “Hey, I bet some of those dark chocolate chips would be good with it.”

“Oh I think you’re right!”

And so I added some to my bowl and then I remembered why I don’t like chocolate chips in ice cream or frozen yogurt.  The chocolate chips get cold and thus turning a bit too hard for my liking.  Ick.  I ate them anyway though. ;)  This was the perfect treat!  And I was in bed last night by 10pm!!  Crazy!

I got up early this morning intending on a run, however when I took Rocky out this morning, it was so cold.  The damp cold that goes right through to your bones.  Ewwww I so did not want to run in that.   I could easily run tomorrow, I told myself.  I have so many things to do today, it would be no big deal if I stayed in.

Loved this today

Loved this today

I went back and forth, no lie, for an hour and a 1/2.  I looked at yoga alternatives.  I looked but couldn’t find the OnDemand station on my TV.  I know but it’s DirectTV and somethings they are very strange with their navigation stuff.   Anyway, I was seriously talking myself out of it.  What got me out the door finally was that I didn’t know if running + conditioning class tomorrow would be too much for my knee/IT band.  So I ran today.

Nothing major, just 3.5 miles.  I have to build my mileage back up and no sprints or pickups at all.  And yes it was miserable outside.  And yes I was happy that I ran.  I stretched and already knocked out my PT exercises for the day before my run, which meant that after stretching I could shower.  And then put on my glorious robe.  Ahhhh bliss.

I started breakfast because I was starving!  Oatbran, hooray!

Pretty berry

Pretty berry

I added a pinch of brown sugar to the oatbran this morning because my bananas are a bit under ripe still.  I made berry oatbran with raspberries and blueberries.  So good.  I also mixed in a bit of vanilla almond butter.  I decided to treat myself.  The coffee was only so-so and I’m wondering if I put myself on coffee overload.  I’ll have to see how tomorrow goes.

After breakfast I started busting around the house cleaning.  I cleaned all the windows in the house, including the sills and the inside part.  I did not clean the glass that faces outside, that is saved for another day. After the windows it was time for lunch which was easy, easy.

lunch break

lunch break

Salad with:

  • Mixed greens
  • Carrot
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Broccoli sprouts

Dressed with a bottled Caesar dressing I bought at WF.  It’s made with yogurt and the nutritionals aren’t so bad.  An orange in the middle and some sweet and sour vegan nuggets.  Mmmmm!

After lunch, I cleaned and rearranged our TV room.  I needed a change!  That room is such a pain in my ass because it’s hard to arrange furniture around it.  I won’t go into details partly because I’m tired and partly because I don’t think my explanation would make any sense!  Once the finishing touches are made, I’ll take a picture.

There was a break in the rain where it was only mist, so I ran Rocky out for a quick walk.  When we got back, I pulled some leftovers out of the freezer to heat up and sat down to start this post.


I was famished by the time we sat down to eat.

Hit the spot

Hit the spot

Veggie chili on this rainy gross day.  And I also made some cornbread!  YUM!  Which I took out of the oven when it was still slightly undercooked giving it a nice dense texture which tasted amazing.  And I used the ground flax + water trick and it worked perfectly.  Hooray!

Now guys I am wiped out.  I’m going to read for a bit before heading to SF class tonight.  Hopefully I won’t fall asleep during it!

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