April 6th, 2009: Dinner

Hi guys!  I’ve been sort of going back and forth with doing stuff and then procrastinating. :p  Oh Mondays, sometimes you are very productive and other times you just sit around in your robe.

While I contemplated what to do about dinner, because my plans for soup got changed, I munched on these with this.



upscale fizzie

upscale fizzie

Rice snacks (stupidly addicting, I totally have to watch myself around them) and a fizzie with fruit!  Cranberry + seltzer + frozen pineapple and blueberries.  Fabbo!  I’m trying to clean out my freezers.  So expect leftovers and meat-based dishes around here for a bit.  Today’s leftovers was my spicy chicken soup, not for the faint of heart.

Spicy goodness

Spicy goodness

Which is why I only had a very small amount of it. :p  There’s cheese and cream in there which makes it totally awesome of course.  On the side was some sliced veggies with not Sabra hummus.

I’m debating on tearing apart the office so I can swap desks or calling it a night and putting my robe back on. :D

4 thoughts on “April 6th, 2009: Dinner

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