Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Hi guys!  Sorry about no posts today!  I had a long sort of whirlwind day and didn’t have a chance to sit down and post.  I got to bed late last night so getting up early this morning and hitting a run was out.  Plus I was getting my hair cut today and I don’t like going in there with a sweaty gross head (they wash my hair so why wash it before hand?  Double wash pulls too much out of my hair).  It turned out okay because it was raining all morning long!

Mornings and nights with this cold tend to be my crappy times.  After I’ve been up for a bit then I feel loads better but first thing, ugh.  Rocky let me sleep in till 8am this morning.  Wooo!!  I took care of him and hit some coffee.  Which I apparently didn’t get a pic of!

I worked on my recap post while I sipped my coffee.  Also took care of some emails and basic office things, you all know how it goes. :D  I got Scott up and then had some breakfast.



Along with breakfast I made tea!  I didn’t want another cup of coffee but still wanted a warm drink to sip, peppermint tea won out.  I had some yogurt and granola for breakfast.  I have fully decided that I don’t dig on yogurt for breakfast anymore.  This is such a change for me because I used to eat it all the time, everyday for breakfast.  Now I want something warm and I enjoy yogurt + granola as a snack so much more.  Funny how our tastes evolve towards other things.

I did some more worky things and then got busy with some lunch.  I didn’t know what to make and flip-flopped for a long time.  I finally decided on leftovers.



Shepherd’s pie, veggie style.  I did not eat that whole bowl, I just dumped all the leftovers in there and heated.  Much easier!  In the middle was two oranges.  While lunch was going on a package arrived!!  Wooot!

What's this?!!!

What's this?!!!

I’m not telling you what it is but I promise it’s been making all the rounds with the foodie blogs.  I will also tell you that I love mine, it is divine! Post coming soon and a chance for you to win your own!

After lunch it was time for me to get my hairs cut.  Hi Jaime!  And after that I hit up WF for some quick things.  I searched for the vanilla almond butter and they did not have any.  Guys what am I going to do?!  I got some other fun things and some naughty things that I haven’t had in ages and am treating myself to over the next while.

After we got back home, I ran Rocky out for a quick walk and then it was time to make dinner.  I picked up a pizza dough from WF but it was frozen so I had to move on to something else.  Meanwhile there was a snack.

treating myself

treating myself

Chips and con queso dip!!  I love this stuff and even though WF makes it, still not healthy but so yum!  I had two blue chips and two red chips with the dip.  So good!  Then I stopped myself from inhaling the rest.

dinner time

dinner time

Dinner was roasted veggies (asparagus, carrots, zucchini) and some Thai “firecracker” shrimp I picked up at WF.  Along with some ham leftovers from Scott’s b-day last month.  I only ate two shrimp with some homemade cocktail sauce, the ham, and most of my veg but not all.

Now I’m off to play some with Rocky outside and then I’m hitting the couch.  Resting up because I’m running tomorrow darn it!

Oh, it's not for me.

Oh, it's not for me.

Doesn’t he look so sad and pathetic?  Good lord.  Rocky loves it when packages arrive because he knows his toys get delivered in boxes like this but obviously not all packages are for him.  And that’s when we get sad, “I am so unloved” face. :p

7 thoughts on “Thursday, March 26th, 2009

  1. SO fun!! I totally loove dance teacher would always play it for across the floor, ah it was such pump up music, that is soo cool that you saw it live! Sounds like a good rest/whole foods day too :D

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