March 8th, 2009: Breakfast and lunch

Hi guys!  I did not end up having any wine last night, I just was not in the mood.  Instead I had a few sips of a cranberry fizzie and gave the rest to Scott.  I wasn’t feeling that either.  The extra drink was making me feel a bit bloated.  I hit the hay sometime around 10:30 or so and made sure to change my clock before falling asleep.

This day is getting away from me!  First of all, I got up at 8am but since my body is still back on old time, it was 7am. And I was feeling every bit of 7am Sunday morning.  I took care of Rocks, ate 1/2 a Zbar and was out the door.  It was warm this morning, another capri and long sleeved shirt day.  No toboggan either since it was soooo warm.  I didn’t waste any time getting out for my run because it looked like it was about to spill rain any second.  If I wasn’t training for a 1/2 it would be easier to blow off the run but Sundays are my long run days and I needed to get this in.  It sprinkled a little bit as I was running and I said, “Bring it!”  I totally would have run in the rain to make sure I got my run in.



I slammed some CS and this is actually a picture of my second glass. I was so focused on getting some that I totally forgot to take a picture of my first glass!  I did some yoga stretches and changed into recovery clothes.

yogurt and coffee

yogurt and coffee

Easy post-run eats this morning, coffee and some yogurt + granola.  I piddled around online and then a little bit later it was time to get Scotts up.  I got him up and hit the shower which felt extra nice for some reason today.  Worked on a few loads of laundry and then it was time to make some Sunday breakfast.  I was starved and would have eaten anything.  I wanted leftovers but since Scott just got up,  I think leftovers might have been a bit heavy for him. :p  I made some waffles instead.

Sunday Breakfast

Sunday Breakfast

Basic waffles with WW pastry flour and some chicken breakfast sausage on the side.  In the middle is a sliced red pear and an orange.  On top of my waffles is some butter toffee naturally nutty and some sliced banana.  I had 1.5 waffles on my plate and left 1/4 of it.  I ended up eating the orange instead of the pear because the pear was too mushy.

After cleanup, we headed out to the backyard for some toss with Rocks.  It hadn’t started raining yet but looked like it was going to and I figured if we went out for a walk we might get caught up in it.  We got some good playing in and then it did start raining.  Now it’s time to chill out with my loves on the couch.  I have 0 energy to do anything else.  Well except for making dinner later. ;)  Today is a lazy day.

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