February 19th, 2009: Breakfast and lunch

Hiya guys!!  I’ve finished my projects early.  YaY me!

Last night Scott and I chilled on the couch where I had two small glasses of red. :o Oh my.  I also had about 6 spicy cheeze-its.  I thought I was hungry and then realized that maybe I just need some water.  I drank a large glass and was content, so that was it!  And I put the cheeze-its away, which is why there’s no pic.  We watched some TV and then around 9ish I headed up to bed to read for a bit.  By 10pm it was lights out to a very windy night.

My alarm went off at 6am because I thought I might try and run today.  I heard the wind outside and realized that running probably wasn’t in my future.  Turned off the alarm and got snug.  Then my logical side got the best of me, and kindly reminded me that I could get work done early and be finished to have the day for whatever.  I decided to go with that plan.

It was freezing and wind crazy when I took Rocky out for his potty run.  Then I came back inside and made something a little different for breakfast.



Oat Bran! It’s been making all the blog rounds lately, so when I saw it in the store I snagged some.  Mine was made with soymilk and some brown sugar (my bananas are still too ripe to use for oats).  At the end I added in some ground flax and protein powder.  I acidentally made this with the wrong measurement but it turned out perfect so I’m sticking with it.  Instead of a 1/2C oat bran for 1 1/4 C of soymilk, I used 1/3 C oat bran.



My mix-ins were cranberries and dark chocolate PB.  I didn’t want to go crazy till I knew what I was dealing with.  Had that with morning coffee.  Oat bran is awesome!  It does indeed taste like cream of wheat, only oat bran is creamier I think.  It probably won’t replace oats but it’s a nice alternative for a switch here and there. :D

1/2 blueberry

1/2 blueberry

After breakfast I busted my hump and worked a bit.  Then I woke Scott up and worked some more and then I was done.  Hooray!  I debated going for a run because of the wind and cold. 26mph sustained winds with 42mph gusts.  Temps in the 20s but feels like single digits (that’s what the weather page is telling me).  I couldn’t take it any longer being inside and no cardio!  I had 1/2 a clif, then I bundled up and headed outside for a run.  Oh man it was cold and considering I had a scarf on and didn’t get hot, that means it’s cold.  I was only going to do 2.5 miles today since it’s my first day back and I’m still testing out my foot and because of the wind.

missed you!

missed you!

Whatever, we know that didn’t happen and I did 3.5 instead.  Had some CS when I got back and then did a quick 15minute hatha yoga stretch.  I changed and checked mail quick before starting lunch.



I had a salad with:

  • Romaine
  • Spinach
  • Cubed gala apple
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Cranberries
  • Almonds
  • Blueberry granola

With balsamic and oil.  On the side was carrot sticks and cucumber for the hummus.  Leftover apple, tangerine, and an orange.  I had all my salad and a few bites of everything else.  I also snagged a piece of pepperjack off Scott’s plate.  It was half a square.  Then I did dishes and braved the cold again for Rocks.  I wasn’t going to walk him because it got nastier out.  But then I realized that wasn’t fair.  Just because I was cold and didn’t want to go back out in the cold, he shouldn’t suffer.  So I bundled up and put two pairs of pants on and we were outtie.

The walk was awful.  Super windy and bitter cold.  But we did it and then when I got back home, I made tea because I was frozen.  I cleaned a little while my tea was steeping and by this time Scott was back from the bank and post office trip.  Lucky day!  I got a package!

too cute

too cute

Amanda was having a belated valentine’s contest, whoever commented first got the package.  I thought I didn’t make it, but I did!  And the package came today!  Look how cute!  And when they kiss, the little bears wings flap. :cheerful:  And there were bumblebars inside as well!  YaY!  Thanks Amanda!!

finally warm

finally warm

I had a wee piece of chocolate bumblebar with my peppermint tea.  Yum!!

And tonight is the Ladies’ Night at the Columbus Running Company store!  Hopefully I will come back with pictures and tales.  :D

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