January 21st, 2009: Dinner

More bloggy work, regular work, and then business meeting with Scott work (yes we actually do have those!).  And then I looked online and about passed out.  There’s a house the next street over that is the same as ours and it is up for sale.  I looked it up online because I was curious to see what it was selling for and whoa that’s a lot of money.  And then I saw the inside and that’s when I passed out.  They redid the house and it looks amazing. Our house needs updated in a huge way but that’s expensive (even when you do it yourself) and takes time.

However, it’s a must for us because if we ever want to sell this house we have to update it.  Otherwise no one will buy it in its current condition. And yes that’s right, Scott and I want to move eventually (right now).  Our dream has always been to move more out west.  We want mountains and forests and outdoor activities and liberal-minded people!  Ultimately we would like a house with a good bit of land attached to it and neighbors that we cannot see or hear.  That is the dream, people.

And the truth is Ohio was never ever meant to be a permanent home and we aren’t looking for it to be one.  It was a stopover.  And we are totally not getting any younger (and sadly neither is Rocky) so why wait?  Live the dream, right?  So all this organizing and cleaning and everything you hear me talking about is so that I can someday move outta here! :D  Plus we just have a lot of crap and it needs to go.  Any suggestions on places west, PacWest, that we should put on our consideration list?  Colorado sure is pretty.  Portland sounds amazing.  What else?  Talk to me folks!  Here’s the criteria:

  • Must have mountains
  • Plenty of outdoor activities that we don’t have to travel 50miles to get to
  • Snow would be nice but not a total requirement (maybe. A little would be great, I don’t need 4ft year round)
  • Liberal lifestyles
  • Foodie Heaven
  • Awesome suburbs or surrounding towns (we can’t live in the city but want easy access to one)
  • Did I mention plenty of running and hiking trails

Is there a place like that for us?

Okay ’nuff moving talk!  Eats!  So it was dinner time and we had leftovers! Since it’s leftover day and all. ;)

dinner time

dinner time

More lentil tacos and rice with black beans.  I wasn’t terribly hungry so I only had a little bit.

wee bit more

wee bit more

But then I couldn’t resist the lentil taco filling so I had a wee scoop more!  With a few (four) WF 365 brand tortilla chips.  No cleanup after dinner since everything was leftovers. :woohoo:

Now I’m off to read a bit before heading to SF class.  Hopefully class doesn’t go too long since I will probably be passing out soon.

12 thoughts on “January 21st, 2009: Dinner

  1. Okay wait, how did I *NOT* know that you were in Ohio with me? Also, I think you guys should go to Maine or NH. It’s so beautiful, you still get mountains and sea, and it’s very healthy.

  2. Chickety checkkk out southern california :D There are tons of prime locales with low mountains, like in the Valley, Laguna Beach, Westlake Village and I’m sure tons more..it’s pretty pricey though, they are all the things you mention so the homes are in pretty high demand!

  3. What about Asheville, NC? The only thing I’m not sure about in terms of Asheville is whether it snows much. But it has all the rest! It’s a little hippy though, not sure if you’re into that scene? Definitely foodie heaven though.

    I have also heard that Bloomington, IN is a good place for food :)

  4. Seattle sounds like it would fit you from what I know of it. Although it rains more than snows. And I think it’s expensive too. But I do know there is tons of outdoor-minded people there.

  5. ummm Redlands CA!!! Southern California:) The mountains with snow on them in your backyard, you can hike,run,walk, and bike everywhere!!!! Were super Liberal but nice, and green! Did I mention the beach is only 40 minutes away!!!!

  6. Yes, come out West! =) But I would also recommend staying away from the west side of L.A. – just too crowded and expensive, unless you want to go north (Santa Barbara is nice but pricey). There’s more room out east, plus it’s shorter distance if you want to come visit us in the suburbs. =) Like people said, there’s snow in the mountains here. Foodie heaven is everywhere, even if you don’t want to go into the city (where we are is one of the best known area for real Chinese food in SoCal). I really wanted to live in Seattle or Portland too for awhile – I actually like overcast days and rain. I visited Colorado twice, it’s very nice too.

  7. Now would be the time to buy for sure, but I’m not sure it’s the time to sell if you want a good price. Out west sounds great to me. Some day I’m going to see something west of Hot Springs, AR. And I mean it! :-)

  8. How did I not know you live in OHIO!?!?!?!

    Where are you at (being nosey – you don’t have to share!)

    I totally understand the woes of needing to revamp the house before you put it up for sale – GOOD LUCK MY DEAR!

  9. Wow- how exciting! I’m definitely paying close attention to all your comments b/c I 100% agree with your list. Someday, once I’m done with school. So like in 5 years.

  10. I have to tell you that Seattle fits your list perfectly — I’ve been here for three years now and I love it. The only downside to me is that the real estate is still not as cheap as I would have liked. However, if you’re okay with living further out of the main city, you can find cheaper places/more land (though I don’t know how it compares to where you are now). It doesn’t rain here nearly as much as people think and it’s as gray in the winter as most northern cities. It doesn’t snow as much in the downtown area but it can build up in the ‘burbs a few times a year. There are parks & trails all over the place, but for the really big ones, we’ve usually driven 45 min. to get to them (but it’s worth it for the views). People are outside all the time in July – Sept. which is nice since it’s not pitch dark until about 10 p.m. anyway (and then it’s bright again at like 5:30).

    I honestly haven’t really explored Portland, but I’ve heard good things about it and that the real estate is cheaper. The one downside is that I think Seattle might have more job opportunities, but if memory serves, you both telecommute, right?

    Let me know if you want any more details about Seattle! If you make a scouting trip, at least Portland is only about a 3.5 hour drive south so you could check out both :)

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