December 2nd, 2008: Breakfast and Lunch



Hi guys! Slow going for me this morning. Oh I’m up and moving around, just slow to post about it. :p Last night as we watched the last period of the Pens game from Saturday, we munched on some popcorn and blood orange Italian soda. Then I headed up to bed to read for about an hour and decided it was time for sleep around 11:30ish. That surprised me because I was actually very tired throughout the day and didn’t think I would be up that late!



I got up this morning around 7:30ish and saw a bit of dusting of snow outside. I debated on running first or eating first. As I was taking care of Rocky my hunger started making itself known, so I opted to eat and run later. I had leftover pumpkin oats from yesterday which were not happy. :( I don’t know what happened but they were not as good and had crunchy spots. Like when you eat clams or mussels and get a bit of sand, it was that kind of crunch. So weird.

I had that with morning coffee which was good!

My computer was giving me major issues this morning. I love my little laptop like crazy but it seems like it just cannot handle the demand of my blogging. I know it sounds weird, but having a bunch of FF pages up so I can see my calendar, to-do list, documents, and such, plus editing and importing pictures all the time seems to bog it down. I have it maxed out on memory, so that’s not an issue. I honestly think it just can’t keep up with the demand I’m placing on it. I may have to get a more souped up computer and use the laptop as a backup and for when I am traveling. My laptop is only 3 years old so it is not terribly outdated but wow I did expect more from it and thought it would be able to handle whatever I threw at it.

Very small CS

Very small CS

After a particularly frustrating session, I decided to take it out on the pavement and go run. I took it easy and ran in the street where I could because the street wasn’t as slick as the sidewalks. I did okay and only tripped once. My fault, I wasn’t looking and didn’t see the uneven section of the sidewalk. Thankfully I didn’t fall or twist my ankle, just a little stutter step.

I came back and had the last of my CS. Boo! I’m out and somehow we forgot to pick more up when we shopped last week. We have to head out to another store to pick up some things so I will get some then. Hopefully it’s soon otherwise I will be lost without my post-run CS!

I grabbed Rocks and we were out the door. The sun was out at this time and the snow was starting to melt off a bit. Funny how on my walk I slipped like three times. Awesome. Again no falling, just slipped. When I got back I headed right up to shower.

Post-run pear

Post-run pear

Then I sat down with a sliced pear. I wasn’t terribly hungry but I could tell my body wanted something and decided fruit would do the trick.

I worked and cursed my computer for a little while and then went in to make some lunch.



We had Boca tomato basil patties open-faced style on WW bread. Some chopped spinach on the bottom and melted provolone on top. It was actually pretty tasty although it could have used more punch. Maybe some more garlic or something. In the middle is sliced carrots, celery, and green peppers along with 2 clementines. On the side I had some salsa to dip the veggies in. In the way back is the very last of the applesauce from Thanksgiving that I gave to Scott. I put extra clemmies on the plate because I knew Scott would inhale them. And in order to give me something else in case I didn’t get to the clemmies in time, I added in the green pepper. Guess who inhaled the clemmies AND green pepper? Right. Normally he doesn’t go for green pepper at all but today he did and dipped it in the salsa, “Hey this is good!” “Yeah, I know. That’s why it’s on the plate.” :lol: I went back and sliced up another clemmie all for me. :D

Now I’m doing some work and will probably stretch with the Wii Yoga because I am sooo sore from yesterday’s PT and because it’s going to yell at me because I haven’t been on it lately.

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