October 7th, 2008: Breakfast

Morning guys! I wasn’t quite sure how I would fare this morning getting up to run, but I did pretty well. My body must still be happy about all of the sleep I got Sunday night. I read on another blog someone talking about how getting up in the mornings to run sucks no matter what time it is. 7:30 sucks just as much as 5:30, so it’s best not to focus on it. And I thought, that person is exactly right. Getting up in the morning (especially when it’s a bit chilly out) stinks no matter what time it is. This is what I tell myself in the mornings to get my butt out of bed. “It’s not going to feel any different 1/2 hour from now. Get up, Andrea, and get moving!!” And I do and I stumble over to the bathroom and then I stumble out the door and down the hall so I can put on my workout clothes. By then I’m usually done stumbling and am a little more awake. The feeling of that cold water on my skin as I wet the HR band wakes me up the rest of the way. :p For those that run in the mornings, how do you get yourself out of bed?



I ran the new route again today and I’m still working on varying my pace a bit throughout the run. This has helped me so much in learning what I can handle and what I can’t. My end time is still the same but in the long run I know I’m building up endurance and my leg muscles. I’ve started getting up 15 minutes earlier in the mornings and most times I’m out the door by 7:00am to start my run. I love this time! I started going at the earlier time because no one is out and about at that time in the mornings yet. When I ran later I had the obstacle of kids biking or walking to school, the school buses, and people backing out of their driveways going to work or where ever. Now I don’t have that at all, it’s just me and the sunrise. Much more peaceful and relaxing. I had a bit more CS to drink this morning and then was back out the door with Rocks.

My quads are a bit stiff but it’s mostly my hamstrings and my glutes that are feeling it this morning. Running and walking helped but I’m going to have to work on stretching them every so often throughout the day to keep them from tightening up too much on me.

I’m really going to have to start making myself put a sweatshirt on as I walk Rocky. I do fine on the runs and then convince myself that I will be fine during the walk, however, I always end up getting cold. Tomorrow I will wear a heavier shirt!



Boy was I ready for some oats this morning. We had the bananas and I was excited to make the best oats ever!

  • 3/4 C vanilla soymilk
  • 1/2 C of quick oats
  • 1 banana mashed up
  • pinch salt and cinnamon

My mix-ins are a spoonful of dark chocolate PB and 1/4 cup of homemade granola.



That along side my morning coffee + creamer. I ended up needing to add a splash more soymilk to the oats. I think because the banana was still new and just a tad under ripe, so the oats ended up not being as creamy. While the oats were okay, they weren’t the best. :( I think because of the banana, they just didn’t have that creamy sweet consistency that I really like. Oh well, tomorrow will be better!

I have got a bunch of stuff to get done today. This is a super busy week leading into a super busy weekend for us. I have so many things to do my head is spinning. First on the list for today is getting Scott up! :p See you later!

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