September 18th, 2008: Breakfast and Lunch

Hey guys! Wow half the day is gone already and I don’t even know where it went! :O I was in asleep last night before 10:30 and still woke up tired. Bah. We watched the first epi of Fringe. Heather, have you watched this yet? We need to discuss! :p

I dragged myself out of bed and then remembered I didn’t put my running clothes out so I had to gather those up. An extra chore I didn’t want early in the morning! It wasn’t as chilly this morning as it has been but it was cool enough. There was a slight mist which I love. I did my 1.6mile run and at the halfway point I was so close to cutting it short and heading home. Man I was beat! I didn’t let myself go home, I made it the full run.

Two sips

Two sips

I had two sips before I snapped the pic. I was thirsty! Probably because I tried to keep my heartrate in the 160s today and my calories burned was a bit higher at the end of my run. I grabbed Rocky and we were out the door. I saw that some people had fixed their siding but a lot was still down. I wonder if they even have it or if it blew away to parts unknown. I would be nervous having my house so exposed like that.

No golden ticket

No golden ticket

Today I officially tried the almond butter. I had a small taste before, I don’t know what I was expecting but it tastes exactly like ground up almonds, which is the point obviously. It doesn’t seem to have the same taste sensation as peanut butter. It definitely needed something sweet added to it. I wouldn’t be able to eat this plain.

Test run

Test run

I decided to try some on a toasted pita with honey. It was okay, not better than PB though and once I’m done with this jar I doubt I will get it again. I had it alongside my morning coffee + creamer. It was very filling though and I didn’t start to get hungry for lunch until after 12pm.

Scott's pick

Scott's pick

We so desperately need to go grocery shopping. We have very little in the house in the way of veggies and fruits, lunchmeats, and rice. I told Scott he had a choice, either some sort of salad concoction or salmon sandwiches with cream cheese. He picked the sandwiches. These are so easy and yummy. One pouch of salmon mixed with 2 TBSP of chive and onion cream cheese. Put on bread or eat with crackers. Yum! I use regular cream cheese but feel free to use whatever you like.



The salmon was on 12 grain bread with some romaine added for crunch. I also sliced up some hardboiled eggs and sprinkled those with a little S&P. Now I’m chewing some gum to help get rid of the salmony taste.

Can you see him?

Can you see him?

There’s a hawk that lives and hunts in our little neighborhood. I have no idea why but he has his reasons I suppose. We have been trying to get a decent picture of him for the longest time. While we were eating lunch he landed in our neighbor’s backyard. Then he moved up on their deck banister. Can you see him? He usually comes out in the evenings so I was surprised he was out this early. We’ll keep trying to get a better pic!

5 thoughts on “September 18th, 2008: Breakfast and Lunch

  1. Heather says:

    How DO you get rid of the fish taste? Ugh. I get it with tuna. I get it with sushi. I get it with salmon. I had salmon mouth all day today. (Because I had a headache yesterday I went to bed early, early and had supper this morning. Weird I know but hey you don’t get hungry during the day. LOL) Yes I brushed ;)

    And I love the shout outs to me on the blog. LOL No I haven’t watched it yet. I hadn’t decided if the Fringe was going into the must see list or not but now I’ll move it there. ;) I’ll try to watch soon. Supernatural starts tonight. :) YaY! Which has nothing to do with nothing but I’m excited. LOL

  2. Did you watch Flash Point last night? I think that might turn out to be a good watcher. I can’t wait for the new episodes of Criminal Minds, CSI Las Vegas, and NCIS.

    Didn’t you mention in earlier posts that you had rabbits? That could be why you have the visiting hawk.

  3. Heather, the first epi had some issues I thought. I’m giving it a few more though to see if it works itself out. As for fish, I usually brush my teeth and my tongue really well. Mouthwash and then gum. Depending on the fish, sometimes it takes a while, salmon is the worst!

    Brenda, I didn’t see Flash Point. I’m so behind on what new shows are out and what they are about. What was this one about (fire maybe?)? And yup we have rabbits. Oh I hope the hawk isn’t getting them. :( Poor bunnies. It was in the yard yesterday for the longest time, I was surprised it stayed on the ground so long.

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